Howard the Duck


I tried the second one ages ago when it was a PS plus game. It didn’t stick with me then. I’m tempted to give the first one ago on Switch, though.

This article fills me with so much anger. Joplin sounds like it would’ve been an amazing Outer Worlds-esque experience. Morrison sounds like it’s going to either be exactly what I don’t want out of a BioWare game (again!) or a mess. The words “live service” (read that in Jim Sterling’s sneer) make my skin fucking

Oh wow. I instantly recognized the titles of those songs because I got into Miku due to Fahey recommending the first Project Diva game and trying the demo on my Vita. Was immediately enraptured by both the gameplay and the music.

Now playing

Don’t forget Pain and Gain, which had this scene:

This is essentially my take too, Gene.

Oh hell yes.

Sooooo...Tangent Superman?

Oh no you don’t

It fair. It’s still about learning from mistakes. And as someone else noted, it’s got a new style of combat. It’s far more counter heavy and about mobility, rather than being able to be tanky (Dark Souls) or dodgy (Bloodborne.) That has been a whole new learning ccurve for quite a few. That said, the progression

Well, the fact that they dropped AtGames gives me some confidence it won’t suck ass.

I love how you can see his smile when he stretches over the horrible message.

I went to my nearest IMAX’s one. I won a t-shirt for best Joker laugh.

My first memory of Batman, however vague, was seeing one of the two-face episodes of the animated series. Or maybe one of the Catwoman ones. I was too young to tell.

Supposedly that’s because she’s more melee focused than the previous two.

Beautiful story Mike. Glad you’re back after such an ordeal.

Yeah, they’re pretty great. As a former Xbox guy last gen, I can sympathize. This gen has not been as great for exclusives on that end.

I’ll call it backlash when it’s actually out. As of now, it’s just extremely well justified skepticism.

Exactly. Though in my case, my setup is Switch and PS4. 

Yeah, this was a really pleasant surprise yesterday. I love the first one, and getting this was a no brainer. The first managed to be a super smart update to the original that managed to merge both the American and Japanese stories of the games (and the novel, as you’ve mentioned) into an engrossing narrative to