Howard the Duck

I knew I walked into that.

“Secret of Man?” In didn’t know they made a game called that.

Yep. When it comes to games, the only outlier are first party Nintendo games. They usually drop Friday or Sunday.

Be careful, you might fall off that high horse you’re on. Wouldn’t want another lifeform to get hurt.

Well, considering my last dining experience there, he’d be rolling in his grave.

Please tell me they got Pearlman or Harbour to voice him.

Thanks for the extra clarification. Anyway, it usually seems to happen a month or so out, so now is still the exact wrong time for this to happen.

4 weeks? It probably is being printed, actually. Games typically “go gold”, which means the discs get printed and packaged, and the special editions get their nickknacks and stuff all put together roughly A MONTH ahead of time. In fact, if so, this couldn’t have hit at a more annoying time for them because it was

Nope. Still there. I totally agree it’s a stupid move. They should be coming out in different weeks, including in November. And don’t forget Middle Earth: Shadow of Microtransactions got delayed to October along with South Park: Fractured But Whole.

Exactly. I do like the Musou games, so unless it is terrible, I’ll get it eventually. But having it come out in October, where they already have a big release, is not the greatest move on it’s own. But when everone else is doing the same thing? Even crazier.

Yeah, and I’m sorta pissed. October is packed with enough stuff already.

Why does it have to be another October release? Is nothing coming out in November this year?

Put me down for green. Or purple.

You’ll have to pay extra for ledges.

Yep. Their reddit is full of sycophants.

Till I hear the words “microtransactions are gone” I’m not buying.


Now playing

For those wondering about Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, it’s a reference to a classic Chuck Jones Cartoon. I’m actually sorta impressed.