The facial animations seem a bit janky. Looks interesting, though.
The facial animations seem a bit janky. Looks interesting, though.
It is. Read the Polygon article about it. Their inspiration was the fact that MOBA’s were getting popular because of the “hero” concept, and they wanted to bring that to their kind of game (i.e., single player open world). So yeah, it’s not like Overwatch, but it did have similar roots.
I love the look on her face that says “see the bullshit I have to put up with?”
It says Costa Rica.
Near the front of the ship. Opposite the weapon loadout closet.
This is what popped in my head when I read this article.
I really hope so. Batman was great, but it felt like the engine was pushed a little past it’s best abilities.
Get Out is a good answer to the “I voted for Obama” bit.
Mass hysteria, in fact.
Pretty much. And worse, sometimes.
At that time, they pretty much screwed one of their oldest members as he left the company. Pretty petty. He left because they sorta pushed him out.
This bit of fridge logic occurred to me too a few weeks back. Especially lovely considering the comics backstory for X-23.
They gave the action figures steroids.
Played a little of the game, and I can safely say the Red Ranger’s suit looks roughly as clingy. So yeah, they look a bit more action figure style.
Yeah. My Ryder is Captain Smartass of the Sarcastic Brigade, and it is awesome.
It’s far from bad territory. Flawed, yes. Overcomplicated in some areas, not enough polish in others, slow start, etc. But it is still very fun, especially after the first few missions, and getting to know the new characters and places is pretty fun. And considering this game is this branch of Bioware’s first game of…
I’ve been playing it since yesterday (got it early thanks to Amazon) and have been having a blast. Named my Ryder Richard because Nova, and he is just as smartass as I am. The slow build so far reminds me of the first game, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. And I had a feeling something big will come from daddy Lex…
Yeah, that’s the kind of difficulty. Goals are fairly clear; it’s just that the enemies can knock your lights out.