Knack on the PS4. Mark Cerny designed it with these thoughts in mind. It only uses the face buttons, for starters. It’s simple, but charming enough.
Knack on the PS4. Mark Cerny designed it with these thoughts in mind. It only uses the face buttons, for starters. It’s simple, but charming enough.
You made me laugh so hard with that title I almost choked on my chimichangas.
As I put it on twitter, “He can fuck right off back to Star Command.”
American Master Edition here, and nosiree bob.
At first, the game can be daunting. But once you understand it’s systems, it still is. However, that greater understanding you get each playthrough will help you on the next one. And the further you get, the more secrets you will uncover. Also, don’t be afraid to check online if you are unsure of item effects.
Manuals are why I still get the occasional strategy guide.
Nice to hear another ringing endorsement. Mine comes Wednesday. Till then, the moleskin stuff I stuck in there will keep it fine.
I got the one that had the best reviews and wasn’t Hori because I heard about it’s issues.
Yeah, I was half tempted to drive there just to point and laugh.
Same. Till then, I put in some soft padding in my dock.
Especially their tunes “God Only Nose”, “Stoop Jack P”, “Wouldn’t It Be Lice”, and “Decent Quakes”.
Stupid Evil is their D&D alignment.
Yeah. This is isn’t just plain evil, it’s dumbass evil.
It’s an Arkane game, I’m sold already.
Uuuuuuuhhhhh.... I don’t know this commenter.
I was gonna make that same joke.
More Zelda, plus Binding of Isaac. Also, Blaster Master Zero.
Yeah, I know he did. I remember that. I actually unsubbed from Jon a few weeks before this happened because someone told me about some of that. This just clinched it for me.
Yeah, it sucks that they hitched themselves to the wrong horse. I unsubbed from JonTron, but I won’t from those other guys. They don’t deserve the bullshit that should be squarely aimed at him.
As this one guy I watch on YouTube and stuff puts it, “We are all assholes till we turn 20. No exceptions.” Which is pretty much the truth. I used to be not necessarily more conservative, but a but more of an asshole about Atheism and the like. Maybe a little more libertarian, but now I’m solidly progressive. Really,…