Howard the Duck

You got snippy first.

I like that. An in universe explanation.

Good for, Mr or Ms Holier than Thou.

Ditto. While everyone else was making Monty Python jokes, this is what I thought of.

Exactly. It’s a relevant topic.

The horse can’t be dead if the game isn’t even really out yet.

Now playing

My biggest problem with Dragon Age Inquisition; I could never get this song out of my head while playing:

My two favorites are a chestnut brown horse I named Aragorn and a solid color bluish-grey horse I named Storm. Both have been good for me.

An old actress most people forgot about that decided to dredge up that shit about video games being women killing simulators at a TED talk or something a month or two ago. It was painful how misinformed she was.

No, but it Nintendo usually avoids this, at least in western releases. For example, the stylist in Animal Crossing is a man in Japan, that had its gender changed to female for America. Similar story with Birdo.

True, but having a way to at least temporarily alleviate it mid fight wouldn’t be too awful.

They could have had repair fluid stuff like they did with shields in Skyward Sword.

I’d argue I have less a problem with it here than there, but only slightly.

I know, sometimes I’m not sure if something is a puzzle or not. That is an awesome feeling.

Got it. Thanks!

I seem to have a grasp on it. Thanks for the info.

Ahhhhh. I was wondering about that password. Thanks. (I looked it up, apparently you can’t enter town with it, but it is upgradable. So it’s better for high heat combat..)

I haven’t, but that sounds pretty damn well done.

Exactly. At first I thought it was just some guy conducting business in there, but then I met the character.