How do you get the male variant? (Unless it’s a big spoiler) Also, can you go into town in it, or do they still get pissed?
How do you get the male variant? (Unless it’s a big spoiler) Also, can you go into town in it, or do they still get pissed?
Exactly. What do they do when they find a husband? They can’t bring him back home? Do they stay in his town or something? I have so many questions.
Fair enough. And it is always great to see different perspectives. Keep up the good work!
Exactly. It’s not great, but I’m just glad it wasn’t worse. They way they treat homosexuality and trans stuff still has a lot of progress to make, I’m afraid.
Compared to some other Japanese works I’ve seen, this was pretty damn graceful. Far from perfect, but not a garbage fire by any means. They still have a ways to go, even compared to here in America.
It’s the fact that they are taught, most likely from a young age, to always trust the coach and staff. It’s like the military; don’t question authority, be good little soldiers and do what you’re told any you’ll be fine. Except chances are, in the long run, you won’t.
Thanks to your headline, I’m trying to imagine a Gundam version of Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia.
Exactly. It doesn’t have a Switch logo on it.
Not to mention, the statement given later seems to indicate this was just the straw that broke the camel’s back, and that unrest had been brewing for a while.
Funny, that’s almost the plot of a very popular movie.
Steve King’s evil plan:
And even better, it was less used during the war, and moreso after it by the freaking KKK. So really, its more the KKK flag than the confederacy.
I was really lucky in that my Master Edition wasn’t cancelled. But my Switch (and the game) came two days late. Still, I’ve got some decent use out of it, and I can’t wait to get more games for it. Fantastic device.
Pretty much. No need to wonder if my most recent save is the vita or PS4 version, which always slipped my mind. And this one has all the content, too.
I will be getting Binding of Issac on the Switch this Friday. Love that game, and definitely can’t pass up a physical release on my new handheld/console.
I suppose it would depend on the varnish.
One of them mentioned (on reddit) that he removed the finish, repainted, and varnished.
Similar situation. Only beat Vah Rutah, and I’ve had the game since Sunday.
Also, some of us like to take time to smell the roses. And find stuff. I’ve only beaten one Divine Beast (got maybe a quarter or third of the memories) and I’ve played a buttload so far. If it’s an open world game, chances are it will take me longer than a week (I got my Switch and game Sunday thanks to Amazon) to…