He was also the basis for Aladdin’s design, with a bit of Michael J. Fox thrown in.
He was also the basis for Aladdin’s design, with a bit of Michael J. Fox thrown in.
Now for the next week and four days to melt away...
I of course, took howardtheduck.
I got my howardtheduck. So I’m a happy camper.
They should do the Joy-Con colors like the “Play It Loud” Game Boy Color models. Get a nice variety going.
Exactly. Got the grey model. I’m holding out for a nice set of green joy-cons, hopefully.
We damn well better.
All I got to say:
Yeah. The Decepticons especially have it bad. At least the other Autobots got some color and more than two lines in the 4th one, the Decepticons not named Megatron get absolutely nothing.
That is a pretty apt comparison.
I’ve had dreams of stuff I’ve coveted, and they usually follow a specific formula. I spend the first chunk of the dream trying to get it, I eventually do (usually there are a few bits of surreal through this part, but not a lot). Then, I get the McGuffin, and use it, and things go all Salvador Dali. And then ... wake…
Agreed, it wasn’t a proper third entry, but considering High Moon Studios is sorta kaput, it’s the closest we’re going to get.
There was a third entry. It was that godawful crossover with the Michael Bay stuff they did before the fourth movie. And High Moon Studios got screwed over by Activison after Deadpool.
With the theme selection, I really hope that means they’ve got some custom ones coming down the line, like with the 3ds. I love those.
Possibly, but if I remember correctly, PES usually does better in eastern markets.
Even better, the 3ds didn’t have an eShop till a month after launch. Not kidding. And their idea of an IOU was a 3D music video of Ok Go’s “White Knuckles.”
Why? It’s odd because they have emphasized other parts of the online experience (for example, parental controls, which is important, but less so than knowing about the infrastructure itself) but not even how it will work. I’m just hoping it isn’t a 3DS scenario where they pretty much give us an IOU for a month after…
No, I meant it was odd how noncommittal they are, not that it isn’t there.