Oddly they have been using the qualifier “at launch”, implying that the function may or may not come later.
Oddly they have been using the qualifier “at launch”, implying that the function may or may not come later.
From what they’ve said, it’s fairly unclear. Sometimes it sounds like you just need it to set up the party (and manage it) through the app, while other times it sounds like you use it for chat itself, and they haven’t really clarified it either way.
Huh. Guess I need to Netflix Suits.
Funny, when I was playing Watch Dogs 2, I was thinking London would be the perfect place for the next one considering they’re already halfway there. If San Francisco is the place where it’s great to do commentary on Silicon Valley BS, London is the perfect one for straight up surveillance.
Agreed. It’ll be a pity if he somehow backs out of the role. Especially considering he’s a huge comic book fan, so he must be in a very bad place.
Sorry, can’t resist:
Honestly, they could have kept the Wii name if they called it the Wii 2 instead of U. Otherwise, yeah.
Best part? The guy who did that (Steve Race) had previously worked with Sega to put them on the map in the west. So one of the people who helped make the Genesis such a success also helped take it’s successor out.
The more I hear about that one, the more excited I am about it.
Damn. I think George Carlin joked about something like this.
Is, not was. Both are still there. And I’d argue yes.
That was pretty amusing. Getting Ben Reeves, the resident oddball at GameInformer to “interview” them was a pretty good idea. If you want a good idea of how bizarre he can get, watch this bit from the Super Replay of Legend of Zelda, where a weird tangent of his got turned into this:
Please tell me this is coming to iOS. It would be perfect on a tablet.
He’s probably pretty good, considering he’s working at Capcom now.
Rock “The Dwayne” Johnson? Please tell me that is on purpose, cause that is sorta funny.
For a second this terrible game popped into my head:
I’ll second that. And not Federation Force 2.
Yeah. Not being from Australia, I wouldn’t know specifics, but I assume he’s screwed, and not in the way he wanted to be.
Wow. What a creep. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I suppose. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some legal troubles in his future.
Same. The lack of SE’s was a crime. Well, I can always download the other Campaigns.