Howard the Duck

Fair enough. She is a beast, I’ll say that. (In the spirit of honesty, Hinoka is my waifu in Birthright.)

Yikes. On my list is Camilla and Hinoka.

Yep. I managed to get him (5-star), 5-star Lyn, and 4-star Eliwood on my third or so reroll. He is a god.

You get those through SP points, which you earn through battle. If you ever are confused, tap the “i” button. It’ll explain that kind of stuff.

I totally agree on the Takumi thing. He is a monster. I have a 5 star Takumi that is death incarnate.

Exactly. They didn’t want everyone to be the same shade of green. Similar with Mantis (though she had the ‘pink’ skin in her earlier appearances.)

He started as bright green with a purple costume in the comics. Then he got updated (he literally became reborn) and got a more olive shade of green, with red marks and leather pants. The movie version is based off of that one, but they made the green more grey to differentiate him further from the hulk. He looks blue

And yet I didn’t see this. What gives?

My dad was a big Bears fan, but I was never able to get past how terrible the team was after a certain point. It just makes my head hurt to think about them. These days I focus my fan energies on other sports instead of football.

I’ve noticed this. Also, it’s hit or miss trying to get into the PlayStation Store without restarting my console. I noticed that before but it’s been even worse lately.

Guess I’ll rent The PS4 version just so I can do it.

Now playing

I really don’t have anything to say other than it was full of potential that it seemed no one knew what to do with, not even Nintendo. Happy trails.

Now to get it just to make a character named Captain Hammer.

Yeah. That could be considered another factor. I just wanted to explain how someone could lose the popular vote and still win. That is more to do with how screwed up the primary system is, with superdelegates and closed primaries.

Exactly. There is a reason the people fleeing from Syria and the Like are called ‘refugees’. It’s not just for sympathy points. They are trying to escape guys who will kill them.

It’s a combination of factors. First off, the majority of voters skews older, which means usually the more conservative people vote. Second, the Voting Rights Act being gutted meant conservative states were able to implement voter ID laws (like the need of a drivers license or something) which disproportionately