
The jersey change I want to see: some kind of distinguishing marks for championship, all-star appearances, all nab teams, all defense, mvp, etc.

We’ll have to ask Tim Duncan about it when he’s the sixth man on the 2036 San Austinonio Spurs of the INBA averaging 12 & 8.

Something about this just makes my stomach turn. Everything else out there has advertising, we are all saturated with ads. Uniforms are the last, “clean surface” that we have left. Not to mention that 99.9% of ads on jerseys in other sports look tacky as hell! Why can’t we keep jerseys clean for the purity of the

In 20 years we’ll have AdBlock on our 4th generation Smart TVs.

More beautiful than that? Televised sports without commentary! What's your secret??

Of all people, you think he’d pass it once in awhile. You know...share the wealth.

Fucking hypocrite getting plenty of support from the big banks, I see.

Most skill by a 74-year old playing basketball outside of Kobe Bryant.

Cam didn’t play well, but when Ted Ginn is your #1 receiver, you don’t have a #1 receiver. or any at all.

The guy had a terrible performance. That’s not a “narrative.” It’s a fact.

Sometimes I’ll drop a bit of food and it’ll roll down my chest and bounce off the couch and then come to a rest on the carpet and my muscles will twitch like I’m gonna grab it before I forget about it but then I go slack and I keep eating the quesalupa because nothing matters.

This much is sure: it looks a lot worse in slow motion than it does at regular speed.

I know someone who desperately wants to know about the dong clinic...

Champions don’t pull out.

The shittiest promo is still the one where they somehow thought it made sense to put Steph Curry in a talking heads lead-in on being an all-time great that also featured GOATs like MJ, Gretzky and Richard Petty.

“We were loyal to our football team. We bought their tickets.”

Of course I was watching the game at my in-laws in Omaha. It got real strange when my father-in-law told everyone in the room to quiet down and watch this commercial like he was doing us all a favor.

St. Louis is a godforsaken shithole that doesn’t’ deserve pro football. Also, it’s a little hard for me to feel sorry for a city because the team they stole got stolen back

Nintendo looks to see if kid has uploaded any content to youtube, immediately issues takedown notices.