What else are you going to do? Work?
What else are you going to do? Work?
Deadspin is not a place...never was. Deadspin is where our people stand.
At this point my work productivity will skyrocket.
We have a media company whose management is in open war with its readers and writers.
Well boys & girls, it looks like we’re in the endgame now.
There’s no such thing as a bad dog, just shitty private equity dickbags.
That is horrible. One step closer to the end of Deadspin.
“We go to war with the kinja we have not the kinja we wish we had.”
Honestly, I’m amazed the pic doesn’t have their laptop monitors facing the camera, giving away sensitive information.
Look at the rat’s nest of cables there. Christ. Does no one in that place own a couple of zip ties?
Also, re the “one good day”, he literally planned his attendance at Game 5 purely because he thought (or his handlers thought) that the death of “the world’s most wanted terrorist” would insulate him from said booing. The idea that people should pander to that cynicism is abhorrent, anti-democratic and frankly…
David, I wish to register a complaint. You’ve filed this story to Politics, but this is erroneous, as this is clearly a Sports Story.
You WISH BF had been throwing into double coverage. Loved me some Favre but more often than not he’d find a knot of 5 guys on the other team and try to shove the ball through it by sheer force of will. That it occasionally worked only made him more eager to try it during the playoffs, when it ... didn’t.
This ain’t Detroit man, it’s the Super Bowl!!
So great insights, both comments. I was already vigorously nodding on McHale’s footwork and mouthing “Hakeem” and right on cue you were on it. McHale also had that sixth sense of when to time his jump and got a lot of tip ins in traffic, IIRCP.
I have never seen an ongoing stroke victim play basketball at an NBA level before today.
Commenting on the protests in Hong Kong is cool, but have you ever commented on the protests in Hong Kong...on weed?
The thing is that we ultimately get the leadership we deserve. The Kentucky Democratic Party fucked up because they assumed Bevin was such a goddamned clown that his opponent would be a shoo-in (I was in the state for that gubernatorial election that initially seated Bevin; I voted—a hell of a lot of other people,…