"Not a real" DrDonna

I hope Democrats, especially centrist ones, take this to heart. For too long, the Democratic response to any injustice has been “VOTE!”, as though they were totally incapable of action until they had a supermajority in every level of government. Well, we can see how well that is working out. I’m hoping that

If we were to move to sex-based entry into bathrooms, that would actually make things easier. Any old dude could simply claim he is a trans man and is *forced* to use the “female” restroom. The idea that gender ID allows anyone to enter a restroom is a solution in search of a problem.

I found out about it via Twitter, and eventually it seemed like at least one comment was on each article that was lingering at the top of the feed on the G/O Media websites.

Something like 0.5% of people who transition will then go on to detransition, and you’ve had multiple friends do so, and then commit suicide?

It’s Casimir Pulaski Day, a trans/intersex/American-Polish icon and Founding Father!

Kinda weird to include that Sam Elliott is from Sacramento in this article.

I dunno, there are plenty of refineries in the Bay Area, and last I checked they’re rounding $6/gallon.

Same, I find that muscle memory and the occasional discussion in the comments are mostly why I’m here at this point.

I mean he’s a good start but how do we know if he wants to hurt trans children?

I wish that were me.

On the one hand, hearing people act as though $4/gal is some nightmarish new high is amusing to me as a Californian. On the other, that amusement is mostly a distraction to keep me from weeping at my local $5.50/gallon gas.

That’s some damned good news for a Monday morning!

If anyone is wondering why the articles seem kinda sparse today, check out the union’s website:

Citation needed on that claim about the children’s hospital, because that sounds like BS.

Man this particular post certainly attracted a specific kind of dude to comment, didn’t it? I don’t care about your troubles, cis dudes. If you want me to listen, Venmo me.

I didn’t disagree with the second part of what you said. Most things in this world are geared towards cis men, dating apps are no exception. But you were pretty dismissive of her experience and chalked it up to an “obvious violation of the rules”, which was what I felt needed pushback.

Yes thank gods that Tinder is saving us from jokey refusals to do unpaid work for clueless transphobes. And I kinda doubt that she got banned half a dozen times for that, if I’m being honest.

I’d be more worried if you represented anyone other than the most pathetic subset of trans people. Don’t you have a Log Cabin Republicans meeting to attend?

Honestly, the area around Sac isn’t so bad. Lotta bedroom communities, a decent food scene, and within easy driving of some pretty cool places without the cost of living in the Bay Area or the remoteness of the mountains. I totally get where you’re coming from, though. Once you leave the 80 corridor, things get dire

Eat my whole ass, troll.