The queen actually has pheromones that without, leave the hive directionless. Worker bees no longer know what they’re supposed to do and try to lay eggs unsuccessfully.
The queen actually has pheromones that without, leave the hive directionless. Worker bees no longer know what they’re supposed to do and try to lay eggs unsuccessfully.
Earlier this year, I got a tattoo of a honeybee on my collar bone. Because in a beehive, the females lead. The females do the work. And they’re willing to die for the things they believe in.
Having a shower (celebrating something that hasn’t happened yet - the successful birth of a live baby) is considered very bad luck in a lot of cultures. It’s a big jinx.
Were the first Ghostbusters not good enough for a mixed team? Too good for one? Your “point” is idiotic.
They have arrived in Norway and it collide with the old tradition that says gift after the baby is born. Many people are now expecting two gifts. I never bother to buy anything though, people have money and can provide for their own baby.
Much younger? Kristen Wiig & Riki Lindholm are 5 years apart in age.
You and I did not watch the same movie if you got out of that “four scientists who are bad at science.” Egon is brilliant but unorthodox, Ray is brilliant but a bit of a bumbler, and Winston isn’t a scientist at all. Venkman is a screwup, granted, but he’s not incompetent; he’s a womanizing schmuck who’s scamming the…
We give small presents (a soft toy, a pacifier etc) to new parents though, but only after the baby is born and without a party. Giving presents before is considered bad luck or tempting fate.
I fucking LOVE ghostbusters. Always have. I am so excited for this reboot that I’m gonna be a Ghostbuster for Halloween. Based on my haircut, Kate McKinnon’s character.
Baby showers are a completely unknown concept in my country.
Twenty years from now, if someone tries to reboot the Hunger Games franchise
What I found astonishing was the offended manchildrens’ failure to understand that many of the rabid fans of the original were women. This remake isn’t “for women” any more than the original was “for men”. It’s the same old falsehood rearing it’s head again; that female protagonists are for a strictly female audience,…
The Katniss fans would freak out because Katniss is one of the very few female leads of a successful action/adventure film. Being a woman is a central reason she’s loved/admired so much by her fans. Meanwhile there are million comedy films with men in the main roles — so I don’t really see how these two situations…
Except that The Hunger Games already exists with a male lead, under the title of Every Other Action Movie Ever Made: Parts XXI-DCLXVI.
Not sure “controversy” is the right word to describe what surrounds the Ghostbusters remake. “Controversy” implies some legitimate material dispute of facts, interpretations, or values. This is just a mass man-child temper tantrum.
Or is it just not a bunch of angry men claiming women cannot play such roles such as Ghostbusters?
There is nothing worse than having a sick partner you cannot in good conscience leave, despite your lack of love for them.
Are we still calling it extramarital sex like he was cheating on her? She’s had numerous boyfriends since they separated. I don’t see either as cheating. Divorce in CA takes a long damn time. They were broken up, whether the paperwork said so or not.
Yeah and OF COURSE the article turns into a bullshit lame story about Kris boning on a plane. Like anyone gives a fuck about her joining the mile high club. She’s disgusting.
This is probably the first time that overdosing in a brothel saved a marriage.