The Devils In The Details


Tatiana would be amazing. But the odds are not good — I think the last woman in a Sci fi series to get an Emmy was Gillian Anderson 20 years ago.

Ah, sounds fun. Guess I wouldn’t have imagined a BMW shaking like that, but I suppose weirder things have happened. I’m used to old cars with cam lope and “stiff” engine mounts in my newer toy.

My girlfriend does this nearly every day on her long commutes. It typically results in good times when she arrives home.

Gotta keep both hands on the wheel. For safety, of course.

Just don’t end up like this woman! I mean, she was using a toy! That’s crazy. I think you could manage with your good ol’ hand.

I think, to remain thematically consistent, in this case you would have to use “clam jam”.

It's bad that Jez didn't include it in the post. You're slacking Shrayber!

Why did it have to be a seafood truck.

I’ll do a side-by-side comparison of work schedules with Jeb any day. We can put it all in an Excel spreadsheet with a column for hours involved, related commute, ability to work on said commute, and financial pay-off. I’ll even let him adjust it to allow for .77 on every dollar he makes.

I can already guarantee I work


The science of this comment checks out. With elders who’ve entered what we call “benign senescence” behaviors the elder previous kept “in private” often show up in public settings via the process called disinhibition. Basically, if the elder used to be a secret rat bastard to servers, they’re now going to be a rat

What would be more badass is if they brought back the orginal characters and each is living their own lives. Maybe one has a couple of kids, the other is some lawyer at a big firm, one lives on a farm and they somehow reconcile they .. shit goes DOWN.Just bring them back! Not a remake. :(

That sucks and it’s kinda funny since “low-fat” and lean cuisine are not the most effective way to lose weight or stay lean.

Let me tell you about what life is like as a fat sexworker. My job involves sharing photos of myself as a strong, sexy, sexual woman, in varying degrees of undress. It involves me setting a figure - a not inexpensive one, either - on what I feel access to my body is worth.

This, for a myriad of reasons, makes some men

I’ll speak for the rest of the United States here: “Fuck off Brooklyn, you’re not wanted here.”

45 minutes to overnight is my guess.

The international breakfast is a half-waffle

One time I ordered a 4-piece McNuggets and was given a 4-piece McNugget box filled to the brim with tartar sauce.

It sounds like, either way, you run a legitimate risk of ending up exhausted and cleaning up poop. Damned if you do, dammed if you don't.