In an email obtained by BuzzFeed, Kathy Griffin asked a number of undisclosed recipients for support following her…
In an email obtained by BuzzFeed, Kathy Griffin asked a number of undisclosed recipients for support following her…
42 is the key and so is loving alone. It IS fucking amazing. Frankly, I feel bad for my married friends.
I don't have any >.>
Hi, I just had post this reply so you could see it in your notifications. It appears some asshole has hacked into your Kinja account and is posting stupid and unnecessary contrarian posts with unnecessary semantics arguments.
Ugh, some of these employees have so much attitude. If you're unwilling to do things just because they're logically impossible, maybe customer service isn't for you.
Ugh Texas - in a constant battle with Florida for "Black Sheep State" status (though keep it up, Oklahoma, you may win this one yet!)
OMG, I LOVE your name!!!
Allergic to red > Allergic to crunchy
Sometimes it helps to look at the same type of scenario with a non-sexual action:
I've got this awesome hippie Wiccan facebook friend, and she posted a link to an article about vaginal steaming the other day, and no lie, Facebook's top "suggested link" underneath my friend's post was a link to a recipe for steamed clams.
Does what he can to make people only care about blond White women. Gets mad when people only care about blonde White women.
Still fabulous!
Your post reminds me of something I used to tell people to defend my words of choice..."its not the words that matter, its the intention behind them". People who say "crap" mean the same thing as people who say "shit". Same thing as people who say "fudge" that are too ninny to say "fuck". Its just a word, fuck is…
Liar. Banning Adultosaur is clearly beyond your power as a mere mortal.
As a Lit student at ASU I can tell you that once this class was announced on the register it became full in a hot second. People could not stop talking about how excited they were for this class. I really hope this course continues to be available so I have the chance to take it before I graduate!
I mean, I'm sure if the women just dressed more modestly those poor men wouldn't have been driven to rape them. But not too modestly mind you... not like "Muslim" modestly because we don't want Sharia law here or to turn the US into one of those "no go zones" I've been reading so much about. So some level of modesty…
To give a literal answer to your question: the point is to punish women in every way imaginable for getting raped and making pro-life politics messy and difficult.
What millennials are they even talking to? like.....does Trent Franks even go here?