The Devils In The Details

I explained to him that filet mignon is a steak, a very nice cut of beef. This guy actually argued with me, causing a big scene.

Like a stealth ninja of justice, the United States Supreme Court just announced that it won't be hearing appeals to gay marriage cases in Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Indiana and Wisconsin, effectively legalizing same sex unions in all of those states. Somewhere, Rick Santorum screams into a knotted sheet.

Probably an issue of standing. The privileges and immunities clause means that you don't lose what you've been granted in one state when you move to another. That's why you don't have to get a drivers license for each state you drive through or why a contract you made with someone doesn't go poof when they move out of

Seriously. Look at her outfit (bedazzled denim on denim). Look at their house.

"...there are certain people who are trying to make the whole world eat what they want to eat and do what they want to do. I don't think it's any of their business what I put in my mouth."

I thought oil companies were ruining America but it was those pesky minorities all along.

Yes, those people are called anti-vaxers.

I honestly feel that, with the way teenagers are being raised today to be the most narcissistic assholes and have no respect for others, especially their elders, that maybe the only way to start teaching them is legal action.

I'm embarrassed for him. I'm 3789 times poorer, 30 lbs heavier, my hair crunches up and falls off when it reaches my shoulders, and I write internet comments, and yet, I'm embarrassed for him.

....because beard bans are the most outdated policies at BYU.... *serious side-eye*

If you sewed both pieces of the top together, they might cover one of my tits. I wish I could wear dresses like that. Have you seen American Hustle yet? The best thing about it is Jennifer Lawrence's and Amy Adams' clothes.

Also, when I was a kid I thought Marty was beautiful and this dress was the prettiest, most sophisticated sexy dress I had seen.

I'm badass and not to be fucked with, from Dangerous Liaisons. So you think this would be okay at a job interview?

I lived in slip dresses when I was hot and young in the 90s. Everyone who enjoyed my hotness 15-20 years ago has this movie to thank as my inspiration.

I had those floral jeans. I had them two years before anybody had ever heard of Kelly Kapowski. Damn it! I had my chance to claim trendsetter status and I missed it 27 years ago!

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard's new commercial is one of my favorite things on TV. I just want to go hang out with them.

Is it possible for some of our readers to get vegan nothing burgers? I don't want them to feel like we're not being sensitive to their needs.