The Devils In The Details

But preference isn't a protected class in the US like religion, disability, race (and in some states sexuality). So reneging on the promise isn't illegal (I agree), it's when it takes on the religious dimension that it becomes discriminatory.

A side effect of being bullied in grade school was that I learned early on that one of the fastest ways to get people to leave you alone is to make them think you are totally batshit. I've never actually beat my chest before, but it's something I will keep in mind in case the situation calls for it.

"She's currently neck and neck with her opponent, Democrat Bruce Braley, and a strong stance on an incredibly important women's issue could be what pulls her ahead."

I also think just in general she would be a great person to help with this bill. Who better to help write it than a person who actually dealt with it first hand? I mean it might not work depending on attitudes, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt at least for now. If she really does see a legit

I'm confused, why are people running away from the main page?

I agree. I'm a St. Louis resident and I think this is the easiest way to get rid of the looters and let the residents get a decent night of sleep. I'm not sure if media are included in the curfew but I think they also need time to recharge. I think the local media folks are exhausted and are sick of the national folks

Thanks! This was mostly a very rational thread. Only dismissed two straw men, so my day is set. :)

You realize freedom of religion also protects your right to NOT belong to any religion, right?

Here's the deal, short and sweet. He only had to leave for hours because they scheduled him on a day he said he couldn't work and they reneged. Had they provided the promised scheduling accommodation, he wouldn't be leaving for hours during a shift, he would just be working a different shift. He was, by coming in at

Not from the perspective of our FF. People were literally tortured, oppressed, and put to death for religion, particularly being the wrong flavor of Christian. Religious oppression was on their minds for good reason.

I actually worked for one of DB's restaurants and yes, if you requested Sunday off for church, you got that day off.

I learned from Jolie Kerr's Ask a Clean Person columns that you will need some sort of enzyme based cleaner for this task.

I think that's kind of irrelevant. He was clear about his availability prior to his hiring. And that was respected for a short time. Think about it in the context of a student rather than a Muslim. Student interviews and at the interview says my class schedule is such and such. I can work around those days/hours. Two

Too late. Mass casualties. Rift in space. Pigs on the wind. Send reinforcements.

You Googled that just to kill me, didn't you?

Rick Perry: too dumb to know he's too dumb to run for President again.

It reminds me of debtor's prison—can't pay your debts? We'll lock you up so that you can't work your job until they're paid! Makes sense!

Hey! I won! That's awesome! I never win anything. No wait, that's not true! I won comment of the day on Jezebel back in May 2008, and I was hiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh as a fucking kite for oh, at least ten minutes. I think a friend even bought me a beer off the back of that triumph.

Yes, you're right. The headline was written by someone who is clearly Team Dog. I will have them fired at once.