The Devils In The Details

Actually, the only times I ever got upset were when people made a mess and didn't say anything. The way our lobby was set up we couldn't see most of the tables from the front counter, so sometimes I'd go out thinking I just had to wipe a few tables down and find french fries and chunks of chicken strips spread over a

Don't forget "hey, if you hate serving so much, go get a real job!"

I think it's both - she knew she was German. We all did. But I think she lied all the time because she was kind of an idiot.

not all men ;)

This was actually a lie that I told. When I was four, my aunt got a divorce. My family and I visited Minnesota to visit her, and she took us for a ride in her new speed boat. It was the best thing that had ever happened to my landlocked, Iowan self.

"I don't watch porn"

Your username is extremely relevant here :3

Seriously. If you going to do this campaign, why the fuck isn't it aimed at everyone?

If you're a girl who has sex before marriage, you might get your face chewed off my a meth addict.
If you're a boy who has sex before marriage, high five! You can't marry her now though, because she's a slut.

Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas or Clark County.

And of course no young boys were present.

It's readily available...

Nope. WAY more. It's not shocking: those disgusting sandwichesque gross factories are fucking everywhere.

TMZ is reporting that Kerry Washington gave birth on April 21, and it's a girl! Hopefully someone is stitching together a tiny, creamy-white, luxurious Olivia Pope-style coat right now.

Wow, Arizona did something right?

You can't be serious. Not much of a theater fan I take it? I know theater actors are not typically as famous as movie stars, but Idina was in the original casts of two of the biggest and longest-running shows of all time.

Also, I guess this is an appropriate time as any to bust out this gem from OINTB

Dafuq did I just read? Word salad bro.

My maintenence guy and I at the store I used to work at had a check list we, and anyone else, had to go through and do on their computer/register before they were allowed to call tech support. Otherwise the guys on the other end would spend their time rightfully handholding you through "did you turn it off and on,"