The Devils In The Details

Why do humans always think gates are 2 way when they very clearly are NOT?

Yeah, the alcohol excuse. "But I was drunk, so it doesn't count!" Fuck that guy. IMHO this is more than "poor behaviour". This is sexual assault and he should have to answer for it accordingly.

It makes you wonder what the fuck was going on in his head! I explicitly told one guy that I was NEVER going to date him — and after telling him this for a period of 3 months (he kept showing up and inserting himself into my environment — I did all I could to avoid him), he began stalking me in earnest. I finally

Again, ugh. Thanks for sharing though; it is definitely not your fault.

WHY CAN'T I BE THAT CAT. #smolderhotter

Geez. I'm so sorry. I have a friend who went through a similar experience, and I can't tell you how difficult it's been for her to trust any sort of friendship from a guy since.

You are so, so right. Twice the amount of pain when your friends won't back you up when you need their support the most.

The idea that someone who is deemed promiscuous suddenly looses the right to autonomy over her or his own body makes me sick. I am so sorry that happened to you and that your so-called friends were so lacking in empathy.

Ugh, now I just want to kick him in the head for you. :(

Despite my defense of the friendzone guys, its NEVER ok to sexually assault someone. I'm terribly sorry this happened to you. This is not like bluesbelle's situation or the other girls in here that got mad that their friendzone guys tried to take things to the next level. Despite the pain of being cuckolded as most

The freind zone is only sketchy because "nice guys" have made it sketchy. Lots of people end up in the friend zone because they are afraid to speak their minds, or because of circumstances they can't control. The gross part is how people react to being in the friend zone, imho.

This exact same thing happened to me. I am so sorry to hear this all too familiar story again. After 5 years I got my ability to trust back mostly, I hope it happens for you too.

I agree with you completely. It's just infuriating that there are so many grown men that all know they aren't allowed to touch, know the boundaries but do violate them anyway. In my case the dude was 30 and absolutely new because he asked about my relationship prior to the assault and I explained my philosophy on

My story is exactly like yours.
It's okay. You'll be fine. He's the asshole here, not you. It took me years before I could even admit to myself that it was his fault for raping me and not my fault for passing out drunk.
I lost a whole cohort of friends who were in the house at the time and did nothing to stop it. It

I'm so sorry this happened to you. I want to give you all the internet hugs. I've had a similar experience, and I don't know if you've sought/considered seeking counseling or even talking to someone at RAINN, but it's been helpful for me. It's really difficult to try to process all the trauma of sexual assault and

I am so, so sorry you went through that. Fuck that worthless piece of shit; hopefully karma (and/or the justice system) gets him. I know I can't say anything to make you feel better, so how about this?

Oooh, this is me! In the past 3 or so years, I have had no less that 5 guy friends, dude co-worker etc. wonder why such a cool, cute girl like me is single. Then I have to tell them that this has been going on my whole damn life. The only reason I have ever been on dates, or had any sort of relationship is because

Now playing

People who say girls don't get friend-zoned are not familiar with Eponine. She's the most tragic freind-zone ever!

Impossible! All men everywhere are attracted to all women everywhere*, which is also the only reason they ever interact with any of them! Haven't you been listening???????

If you were dating and he said he wanted to downgrade to friendship status, that is not the same as being "friend-zoned." Being friend-zoned is when (in the victimized mind of the person using the term) the guy (it's usually a guy) wants to date the girl, but instead of asking her out he tries to be her friend. Then