Strictly speaking, she is no longer parked in wet concrete. Problem solved!
Strictly speaking, she is no longer parked in wet concrete. Problem solved!
Truth is, the only person who’s life is at risk is Kats himself
D.B. Pooper
The circuit has to be the Las Vegas roval. Those cars are on pit lane. Vegas was the roval on the 1998 IMSA GT schedule, the last season before the American Le Mans Series started.
“Who abuses vanilla cars on a business trip?”
I’ve abused rental cars on business trips.
Just from personal experience with how I treat rentals, I wouldn’t buy one for $100.
I drove a rental 2015 Hyundai Elantra 697 miles in two days (Thirteen hours), hitting the governor (104mph) many, many times this weekend. Best $34.97 a weekend could afford. Ran the ever loving shite out of it on any straight stretch of road - be it dirt or not.
Awww that’s cute. You’re probably a nice person, and incapable of understanding the carnage the animals that make up most of the population are capable of when presented with 4 wheels, a motor, and $12 worth of insurance.
Ahh, the old unashamed blaming of others for one’s bad decisions + public demonstration of assholeness. Classic combo, that one.
It’s not exactly rocket science... Stay away from a site dedicated to all things about cars and motorsport. WTF.
Or, do what I do and stay clear of the internet until I’ve seen it
Does nobody want to admit that SRT-4s are fast?
At 146 mph + teenage driver I doubt that the radar detector would be effective.
It’s an SRT 4, none of it is that surprising, not the speed or the douche nozzle teen behind the wheel.
No title.
No smoker.
That was the most dangerous move possible, especially at a blind corner. He should have followed the marshal’s point instead of taking off on his own. And before anyone else asks, yes, I am a corner marshal, and yes I have discussed it with some of the workers who were at the race.