
“Wow! And I thought my capitalism metaphor was on the nose….”

Elon Musk after reading this:

Think of what would happen if the flesh-eating bacteria get hold of some bath salts. Total havoc.

Here’s a quick edit with body-color trim

Dang, it’s tough being Florida Man.  First bath salts making you a cannibal, now flesh eating bacteria...

I’m for a breathalyzer before entry. The limit can be (much) higher than if you were driving, but there should still be a limit.

Methinks his alcohol intake came before his onboarding.

I am so unreasonably hyped for this. Give me ALL the nonsense. Give me on the nose symbolism, 10 min long discussion of philosophy that grinds the movie to a halt, give me everything Jessica Henwick is doing all the Matrix + Inception nonsense in that trailer. I’m all in for me to walk out of this movie and be like

you think?

Ehh, have you ever met a Tesla driver? Or the type that gleefully celebrated the recent “just the tip” space missions as the beginning of Galt’s Gulch?

“And Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets.”

As a doctor, every time I hear “6 week ban” it drives me f’ing crazy.

They don’t have the emotional maturity to think about how the governor’s office affects their lives. They just want to do something they think will “own the libs”.

Almost by definition, if you are a Republican, you hate science and women’s right’s.  

Because they are in a cult and are incapable of independent thought.

Glad I’m not the only one. I’ve never heard “caught in 4K” before, and I’m squarely in the millennial generation.

That’s like 480p, at best. Fuckin’ kids.

For you older folks and people not in the know, Tesla cameras don’t record in 4k as far as I know. “Caught in 4k” is a colloquialism for getting caught on camera.

He should serve jail time just for wearing socks with sandals.