
It’s pretty depressing, especially when combined with the fact that so many cars look angry. It has, however, led to a nice in car game for me and my son. Points are awarded to whoever first calls out a car they’ve spotted that is not some shade of black, white, gray (including silver), red or blue. The point system

Looks like primer

Have they not learned Tic-Tac-Toe?

That green is wonderful.

My Land Rover mechanic says the 2008 Supercharged RR is the only one he would ever own.

Will never be able to afford it.

The Chevy Cavalier and Pontiac Aztek should’ve made the list.

2024 Land Cruiser.

Maybe this is your Hulk Hogan moment.

The Wrangler death wobble (amazingly) is still very much a thing. They claim that it’s never caused a serious accident, but it is exceptionally unsettling when it happens. Dealers should be required to disclose it to prospective buyers and give them a tutorial on how to make it stop.

Loaner car availability depends on the dealership. I have a ‘22 4xe. You can read volumes on issues that these have had. One local dealership has loaners available in theory, but in practice it’s a weeks long waiting list and they may or may not bother calling you when one is available. If a loaner is available,

I want to know if it was something about the bike that made those people in the picture so unhappy.

Once as a teenager, I was tasked with cleaning out a barn find 1964 1/2 Mustang convertible. The trunk had a layer of rat shit that was a few inches thick. I eventually found the corpses of two of the poopers. From nose to tail, each one was about the length of my arm and dead just long enough to smell like rotting

It looks like it’s impersonating a Camaro 

I hope this doesn’t prevent him from buying Manchester United

Florida man would’ve done all of this tweaked out and naked, possibly with some sexy time with that fish.

Southern California, here... the list is really long.

I can attest that this is a thing for 2022 Wranglers, too. I had never heard of it until experiencing it firsthand. It’s pretty scary. I’m due for a dealer visit that I’ve been putting off due to the fact that the service at our dealer is atrocious. It seems that keeping the tire pressure relatively high greatly reduce

Is there a nuance that disqualified this? Are we just in a universe where it does not exist?

I’m not sure that the brown Lincoln is the best choice for a newly single guy.