
Their choice is very possibly going to lead to variants that evade our current vaccines.

My first thought as well. This is the obvious solution.


This. It’s not a personal responsibility thing. It’s not something we can wash our hands from because we’re vaccinated.

At this point, I’m also tempted to take a “sucks to be you stance”, but you’re right, we need everybody to get it or this will just go on forever. Sad when even Iran has a higher vaccine acceptance rate.

Well, yeah...but they don’t work perfectly, so they don’t really work.

Wait, you mean vaccinations work? Science is not just a liberal conspiracy?

FFS, get vaccinated, everyone.

Someone would to “stick it to the libs.”

I feel like people absolutely would. Idiots but, you know, they’re out there!

but I still want to have some street cred with my uncles and cousins who still dominate the dirt track where I grew up.”

Lizards do live where it freezes over. I should know, I’ve spent most of my career studying one of them.

It’s true that there is still the Subaru Forester and the Mini Clubman”

Finally! I can stop herding nerfs and get into lucrative moisture farming.

I think this is right, and the interpretation to most criticism of the show’s ending is off. People aren’t really that upset about how it “ended” per se. It’s that they just didn’t tell the story. After telling one story for six seasons, suddenly everyone’s crossing continents overnight, characters are drastically

Especially since it was clear that D&D were tired of the show and were taking meetings on other projects.

Let me say that I have little to no problem with the actual endings for all of the characters. Dany as a tyrant works. Jaime failing to break away from Cersei works. Sansa as Queen of the North, etc...

They all

Well the 4th and 5th books also are not finished books. He tried to write 1 book, and added so much shit that he ended up having 2 "books" worth of pages that he released but they weren't complete. Book 5 ends with all the characters on cliffhangers and the chapters he's released from 6 were just left over from 5. The

Season 8 was a catastrophe, but GRRM needs to understand a few facts:

He had a 5 book head start and then proceeded to publish zero ASoIaF books during the entire run of the series.

We really need a cross-carrier “No Fly” list for these idjits, and the FAA needs to make it clear that behaving like a jackass on an airplane will cost you dearly. I’m thinking $25,000 fine for the first offense, plus No Fly for at least a year.