
Yes it’s wrong, but only because babies & toddlers are just hanging out there waiting for their turn, as well as medically fragile kids who cannot get this vaccine for any number of reasons.

Mission accomplished.

Considering that most of the world is not getting vaccinated because of patent laws, yes, it is wrong to hope that.

Invisible barrier? Clever.

You all complained about slideshows- but this clearly would not have happened if there was a slideshow identifying the 10 key instances when this boy fell.

Maybe instead of jerks, we could call this group “COVID variant incubators”.

I sincerely hope this galvanizes public pressure to make vaccines mandatory unless you have an actual medial condition that precludes you from taking them. There is zero excuse for this bullshit, and it is going to harm us as a society far more if we allow it to continue.

As long as you accept the backlash from doing so power to you. I don’t like it but I can’t knock it

Yeah to me it looks like he foiled an attempted murder.

She was blind.  -Maybe read the entire story next time.

I noticed that too, it looked like she really did not want to save that kid.

If you actually read, it states the mom is blind. 

Edit - the mother is blind.

Finally, someone mentioned the spray pattern. Having been a professional painter, that is NOT the way to spray paint anything.

At the resolution and bit rate of the video you can barely see anything moving in relation to the background but the largest changes. It’s kinda how video compression works... Static elements don’t need to be redrawn and are reused frame to frame from the buffer, only elements that move are captured. The dust would be

came to ask if it tastes like shrimp. You beat me to it in a munch wittier fashion. Take your star.

Sure, but how does the centipede taste dipped in drawn butter?

It’s puzhing atmosphere that is less than 1/100th as our is at sea level, and on Mars, it only tips the scales at 38% of what it would on earth.

My thoughts are due to the low resolution of the camera itself, plus the compression to send that from Mars to here not to mention the pretty uniformity of the background and foreground colors make the dust, what little there was hard to see. Not to mention the gravity on Mars is only a bit over 3.7% of Earths it