The Daredevil Kristopher Felix

Ah yes, the horrible 5 year old gang members, so intimidating and terrible.

Something that’s important to remember, IMO, is that to die-hard Trump supporters who voted for him and think he’s doing a great job, this family separation thing is good. It’s not the bad consequence of a good thing, it itself is good.

I really think at some point (probably Bill Clinton’s presidency), conspiracies went from “how can I make this crazy idea sound faintly plausible” to “how can I say something bad about libtards.” So many things that make no sense whatsoever to normal, decent people — the birther thing, Pizzagate, BUT HER EMAILS, paid

Why would a review make the point of saying someone’s not a genius?


[Band puts instruments down, leaves stage]

So is the Internet’s next mission to identify the 4 and half year old girl that was in A Christmas Carol with Scott Aukerman in 1992?

I listened to AFTP for the first time in a while this week due to this podcast. For some reason I assumed this one wouldn’t really hold up (I was probably just tired of “Everybody Hurts”) but this is still one of their best works to me.

How does it feel to be in R.E.M.?

Same here. I pretty much embodied grunge before it came along, so I embraced it unreservedly. When the moment passed, I was left back where I was in the beginning.

Kimmel wasn’t very smooth with this feud, stooping to insulting Hannity’s sexuality. He could have easily had his interns put together a montage of Hannity insulting Michelle to make a point.

Can you name anything Kimmel’s done that’s as bad as the Seth Rich thing?

That’s a pretty shit comment to give to such a heart felt obitury. Especally when the subject was so against lying down on their death bed they were performing live in a wheel chair with an oxygen tank.


Men at Work had a handful of hits in the States. “Down Under,” also “Who Can it Be Now?” “Be Good, Johnny,” and others.

No, Kinja is bad. It’s almost impossible to follow a conversation now. That’s literally the only change that needs made to make it useable. But it’s a big deal. I was one of those people who just didn’t understand why everyone was freaking out before the changeover, but it didn’t take me long to see what the problem

I know the difference between better and worse. Kinja is worse than disqus. Which, yes, makes it very bad.

Kinja is several orders of magnitude worse.

This is demonstrably not true in terms of commenting at least. I understand the back end is easier to use but the front end is garbage in a hot diarrhea sauce with a vomit glaze.

They were kind of all tied for last

I’m really glad this one got mentioned. It can’t really be that hard to make an intuitive UI, can it? The problem is that they don’t want you to get to the stuff you actually want to watch easily. They want you to be forced to see all the stuff they want you to watch first.