The Daredevil Kristopher Felix

Interesting, as I didn’t even use the phrase “dried out”. (I did say “dried up”, by which I meant that the critical praise had dried up. I know I’m splitting hairs here, but since you’re persisting with this line of attack...)

I think a lot of us turned our pain about Kurt’s death towards Courtney. There’s a reason why all the conspiracy theories went back to her (reason: We were dumb kids looking for someone to blame other than Kurt). And she did make a few lousy moves with handling the Nirvana catalog, including some of her attacks on

I didn’t say anything about her talent disappearing or, dear lord, her “20-something fuckability”. You’ve taken my defense of Courtney Love and tried to characterize it as an offensive, sexist attack on her for aging - an attack created out of whole cloth, seemingly because you didn’t like a turn of phrase I used and

Did you just go Thanks Obama over this? For real? Come on...

I dunno. When Man on the Moon and the Larry Flynt movie were out a lot of critics showered major praise on her acting. I think there’s even an embarrassing quote from Roger Ebert that suggested the greatest legacy of grunge might turn out to be Love’s acting career.

My half-orc bard, Hernan, still looks pretty rare. He was a former barbarian who got his brain pickled by a wizard and then thought, mistakenly, that he was a musician. Played the bass lute. Knew one song: Rio by Duran Duran. Worked as an adventurer through a temp agency. Had a ridiculously high charisma score for a

First time I’ve seen this and, while it’s a little nondescript, it at least feels like Star Trek.

I suppose the problem I had with Values was that it took the really enjoyable Wednesday snark from the first movie and made an entire B-plot out of it. And it’s just a case of over-egging the cake, for me. A little Wednesday is great. Too much and it just becomes predictable and less fun.

Rewatched the two 90s movies a couple years ago and found them pretty appealing - particularly the first one (disagree with Ebert that the second one was better). And, of course, the comics and original TV show were great. So I’m down for more Addams Family.

I mean, a lot of women stay quiet about rape with no financial benefit, out of fear they’ll be attacked or won’t be believed. 100,000 bucks probably beats the average for this kind of hush money.

In some respects, Arizona is worse. Native Texan and the only person I’ve ever heard say “We should just shoot them all at the border” with any seriousness was from Arizona.

For a brief time I had “Ana Ng m16", as a tribute to They Might Be Giants. I thought the m16 part would let people know I was a 16 year old male. Big mistake. No one got it.

I’m disappointed that a bunch of misogynistic a-holes have made it impossible to just get excited about Ghostbusters news. Every time the franchise is mentioned around here it’s gotta come with a side order of snark about how Ghostbusters fans are all woman-hating jerks. And yet, my memory of the original Ghostbusters

I mean, sure. It’s not like DuckTales has to be pre-school safe. I’m just pointing out that it pretty much always was before and I’m personally a little disappointed it’s not, now. I feel a little like I did about the Muppets series from a few years back. It’s not that it’s bad or indefensible. But the tone is a

This episode was ok, but I’m starting to worry about some of the tonal decisions with this new series. There’s a moment when Webby says, “I’m going to break every bone in her body.” I’m watching this with my 3 year old, who’s been getting into fights in preschool, and it just wasn’t what I was hoping to get from this

I also loved him saying “Occupado” when Scrooge walked in on him in the tub. That’s the kind of thing Donald probably wouldn’t have ever said before, but absolutely should be able to say now.

Gonna go with Lin Manuel Miranda. Between Hamilton and the Moana soundtrack I’m convinced he’s got the writing chops to have a long career. And he’s really just gotten started.

Yeah. I find it weird that the A.V. Club seems to be taking a pro penis-in-kid’s-show position. It’s not the end of the world or anything, but I get why Netflix took it down. My 3 year old watches this show. Come on.


The AV Club commentariat has always loved Norm. This little think piece could have been more insightful, though. It’s pretty fluffy.