To me the real issue with the Suburbs was kind of bland production. The songs are better than the performances, typically. Then Reflektor had the opposite problem.
To me the real issue with the Suburbs was kind of bland production. The songs are better than the performances, typically. Then Reflektor had the opposite problem.
8 hours and no upvotes yet. So I'm going with "Yes".
When the stags first show up in the Skyfall intro, it emotionally affected me in a way I've never been able to explain. Something about their masculine strength and yet gracefulness just seemed perfectly chosen.
Dude, you're the one attacking Paul McCartney for not demanding, from the stage, that his audience not sing along to his songs. If you can't see why that's being a buzzkill, then there's nothing more I can say. I'm legitimately sorry you couldn't hear and didn't enjoy yourself. Laying this at the feet of McCartney's…
So when exactly did the universe destroy all the joy in your life? And did Paul McCartney collude with that, too?
Off the Ground has 'Hope of Deliverance' on it, which is one of his great songs nobody's ever heard.
That's probably how he felt when people went to see Blues Brothers 2000, anyway.
I'll preorder a ticket if they call it Atomic Fireball.
That's my secret. I'm always outraged.
If this recipe turns out to be the Torchy's Tacos queso recipe, I'm going to find this woman and kiss her.
Eh, there kind of is, though. I used to live on the Texas/New Mexico border and New Mexicans definitely like their green chiles. And, like I say, it's good stuff! But my loyalty will always be to Tex-Mex. Or even just Mex-Mex.
I'm a Texan. And, yes, I would eat a queso and chili covered brisket. So you've got my number, there.
So just dumping green chiles in everything, huh? I like it, don't get me wrong. But better than Tex Mex? Come on.
Yeah. It's definitely a part of Texas culture, but it's not a faux pas to not have queso at a party. Let's drop the hyperbole.
Also: Justin Queso would be a good username 'round here.
Wolf Brand is just ok. Maybe it's great for a canned chili from the 50s or whenever. Great on hotdogs, but I don't love it on its own.
Moffat won't make an episode of Doctor Who that's incoherent to a casual audience.
Like 'Attack of the Cybermen'.
I didn't know Ben was an uncle. He should tell Polly.
I'd like to see a kid companion, but I think it'd be hard to get around the recklessness of it. The first time the Doctor steps out of the TARDIS and sees a Dalek, you're talking child endangerment out the wazoo.