The Daredevil Kristopher Felix

Pertwee, even.

That one has enough polygons to be from a PS1 Final Fantasy game.

My thought too. And I'm cool with that. Why not have Cate Blanchett as Lady Death? I'd freaking assemble the Infinity Guantlet for her.

That ol' username/comment synergy.

He sounds like a guy who works in a grocery store, saving his pennies for someday.

Spare him his role in this autocracy!

There was a brief period in the late 80s where guitar solos were mostly masturbatory attempts to communicate how fast you could wiggle your fingers. They sucked and deserved to be ridiculed. But those solos have been out of vogue for over 25 years now. The idea that we have to keep griping about solos all these years

This is what popped into my head when the question was asked. Just masterful.

For reals. My wife and I call most 80s sax playing "sleazy sax". I can laugh at it, but I can't take it seriously.

I think the word chick probably was used as a dismissive term in its early days - like toots or broad - but when I think of it these days, I mostly associate it with badass rocker chicks like Joan Jett or the riot grrls. So it seems like a pretty empowering word in that context. (Not that I get to have the final say

Hey! That's Anime Women!

My sister is one of those. Her son's scream is actually the loudest sound I've ever heard - high pitched like an industrial whistle and as loud as a jet engine. And she's so used to it that she gets angry when I try to calm him down when we're eating at a restaurant. "I don't want to keep him from expressing his

Misunderstood you then. When Capaldi was announced I heard complaints in some corners that the 'tradition' of the Doctor getting younger had been broken, as if the Doctor always de-ages when regenerating.

Not really. They trended younger over time, but it wasn't a Benjamin Button thing.

Yeah. I'm sometimes shocked at which ones will make that argument, too. It's sometimes people who I otherwise often agree with about Who.

Womb of the Cybermen is a classic 2nd Doctor adventure.

They really were. I mean, look at them. They're all dead now.

Similar experience here. Why bother making a Peter Pan movie with Robin Williams in it if you aren't going to let him just go go go for the entire runtime?

Yeah, I heard that many people thought he was a real dog show commentator, he played the straight man so well.

I kind of miss that mocking tone in A Mighty Wind, though. You can tell they have genuine sympathy for those folk artists, so the pull some punches, where they're more bemused by the dog show people.