The Daredevil Kristopher Felix

Yeah, I have a friend who really defines his identity by how much of a feminist he is. He's well-meaning, but I think he often falls into that trap you describe. Sometimes he treats women like a cat lover treats their cats, and doesn't understand how patronizing it is.

This is a battle for second place, bitches.

Has it ever worked?

Started reading. Realized I was reading several column inches about KISS. Stopped reading.

There're a couple of Dumb and Dumbers that'd like to have a word with you.

"Four Big Fat Greek Weddings and One Skinny Italian Funeral, Starring Mr. Bean"

The Superman animated team up of Livewire and Parasite was really great. I'd love to see a version of that turned into a movie.

It seems to me that Batman fans clamor for this fight more than Superman fans do, because they think it's important to prove that golden Boy Scout Superman can be defeated by just some guy, so long as he's grimdark enough.

Metallo is basically the Terminator. I think he could do ok in a movie. But I agree with your central point.

The most punishing super specific rock diss track I can think of is "Death on Two Legs" by Queen. Freddie's angry because his ex-manager took "all my money" and he encourages the guy to commit suicide. Jayzus, Freddie!

So is Kathy Valentine not a part of the Go Go's classic lineup?

Courtney Love is a mess, but I'm pretty ashamed at the way I wanted to jump on her neck as a teenager. I had no proof that she was even remotely the cause of Kurt Cobain's destruction, but her rise to prominence after his death had me convinced, like a conspiracy theorist, that she was to blame.

I graduated high school in 1997, and I always felt like I'd gotten super hyped up for grunge rock music as a kid and, by the time I was old enough to join a band and participate in it, it was all gone, replaced by boy bands, pop punk, and Creed/Limp Bizkit. From my perspective, American rock music mostly cratered

People really should go back and revisit Pretty On the Inside, Live Through This and Celebrity Skin. Those are all really world-class rock albums.

But, you see, that's what she wants you to think…

Yeah, that's much worse than I remembered. I hated that movie, even at the time, but I remembered this scene being kind of cute. But no…

The thing is, Matt/Elektra is super hot, but it's like one of those relationships that's built on sex and/or money. Sure, as voyeurs into Matt's life, we're going to prefer his relationship with Elektra. It's way hotter and more interesting. But that's us.

Yeah. Clearly liberals also support authoritarian Cold War regimes. I mean, that's how I remember the Cold War, all those Democrats protesting the fall of the Berlin Wall…

Actually, it's really amazing list. There are a few in here that are defensible as conservative picks, of course, but I'm struck by how often they make their defense of the song either because it offers a criticism of a liberal ideal (which, you'll notice, doesn't make it necessarily conservative) or because it

Hahahaha… they think "I Fought the Law" was by the Crickets, not the Bobby Fuller Four. I'm so shocked to learn there are no fact checkers at National Review.