
As someone who's a parent now, I spend a lot of time thinking about how painful it must have been for my estranged mom (now deceased) to have a son who cut off contact with her for nearly twenty years. I don't second-guess my own behavior - she had classic borderline personality disorder, was horribly abusive to me my

Nah, you didn't really do that with Beyonce. I'm no fan of Mariah, but I agree with QueenofLuther, this is bullshit. 1) Beyonce's track has nowhere near the range requirement, and 2) I'm pretty sure Beyonce's vocal had a little live autotune assistance. But even if none of that were true, it's just shitty to isolate

Elizabeth Lauten, tone-deaf asshole, has just pushed the art of the conservative non-apology to another new level up bullshit mountain by absolving herself with "prayer."

Come to Portland. Not only do we have strip clubs, sex shops, luggage stores and cheap ethnic food, they're all usually right next to each other.

That awful culture, tho...

I'm not here to stick up for St. Louis, having grown up and spent far too many years as an adult there, I couldn't get away from that place fast enough. That said, you're in denial, man. That place you live is far worse.

I grew up there and did go to Portland. You should have done the same. You're in that St. Louis "It's pretty good here because I'd have to kill myself if I really faced the reality of this place" bubble. Sorry to be the bringer of that news.

With all due respect, we didn't do this to ourselves. A couple of blog writers started this shit for page clicks and it stuck because humble is the new arrogant.

Hydrocephalic Morrisey is a pretty bitchin' band name.

I think the OP was pointing out the irony of listening to the indecent insanity being spewed on the radio while the listener went and did something sane and decent. That you can't see this tells a lot about your level of living in a right-wing reality distortion.

I know right? I lived in Springfield, ___, and I got so tired of no one respecting my Springfield as the true Springfield.

I know for a fact because I know the people who created the ads personally. I mean people on the internet wouldn't accuse someone of lying without any foundation for it at all, would they? <eyeroll>

When we named our son Liam (just Liam, not short for William) in 2001, his name was 131st on the list. Now it's 6th. How the hell does that happen in one decade or so?

Wow, this thread really pushed some buttons for you, didn't it. Sorry for your lack of life.

Can't say that I own them, but I have watched all seasons. Great show. What's your point?

Drew, do you need a hug? Or maybe a bowl of chicken and dumplings? I learned how to make those when I lived in St. Louis. I'd be happy to make you a whole pot. Leave it on your doorstep and all.

Oh, I see, you're a comedian too. Good luck with that.

It's a fair question. I don't really give much of a shit about advertising or the people who work in it. It was just a lazy, stupid, unfunny joke about people's livelihoods, I'm a little low on patience for trolls who shit on other people who are out there actually trying to do shit, and he was just a little too

Hey, if his lazy, cliched, bullshit joke had been the least bit funny, I'd be chill as a bomb pop.

Yeah, I never claimed to be funny, asshole. You're the one with the "humor." Neither did I claim to be the one who worked on those spots. I don't even need to know the people who worked on those spots to know they're a hell of lot funnier than you'll ever be. Seriously, what have you ever done besides sit on the