
Yearh, I misunderstood their nature for aloofness and calculating. The calming, measured, zen-like relationship with humans I’d never caught before. This film helped me see that. They’re not indifferent, they’re just composed :)

I’m lucky and proud to be working with Oscilloscope in getting the word out about this film. I’ve never been a cat person, so when I watched an early cut, my first thought was Ceyda, the director, created a beautiful way for the west to see muslims as compassionate human beings, super relevant right now, of course.

I’m here because I just had lunch in the place where they found all the incriminating evidence against Tonya in the trash dumpster, the infamy of which is written on the back of the menus. Those menus and this post did not disappoint.

Beautiful, beautiful post. Thank you.

Something nobody in my midwestern, conservative, white, fundamentalist, sunday-go-to-meetin’, shitty family could ever explain to me: if we all came from Noah and his wife, why are there different races? And then it finally occurred to me: oh, of course, white people only acknowledge the existence of white people.

Gary Cole makes everything better.

What an arrogant comment. Don’t kid yourself, you’re not tough. You’re just lucky. Perfectly thoughtful and strong people get children wired with terrible, difficult behavior. Have some empathy and be a human being for chrissakes.

I first learned the extremely difficult lesson of just not taking any bait to anything she said, having a zero response policy for myself. Sometimes that would make her more mad, and in those cases, I simply left, sometimes just the room but often just leave altogether.

You have my empathy. I came to the same situation with my Mom before she passed. It’s incredibly difficult when a person who raised you turns into an intolerant, paranoid, bigoted monster.

I love Dave Grohl and can’t stand Foo Fighters. But he is utterly charming, seems like a genuinely great human being, and I respect his musicianship almost more than anyone I can think of.

Same here.

You just described my relationship with Dave Grohl.

GODDAMNIT Wolf Blitzer. If ever there was a time you could call out a PR flack’s bullshit and reveal him for the withering asshole that he is, THIS WAS IT. I get it Wolf, you decided long ago that you would not risk your journalism career for the truth, but fucking hell, man, you could have at least had some fun with

Maybe if you stop spotlighting this kind of fringe lunacy, maybe people won’t feel rewarded for extreme behavior. Seriously. Just stop reporting about non-issues by idiots.

I think all those things are in there by inference.

I know it’s just a clickbait headline. But seriously. Can a creative job, by definition, actually be shitty? Fucking hell, this country is full of entitled assholes. Even the snark is entitled.

From Heard’s Wiki page: ...Heard, who was raised Catholic, subsequently declared herself an atheist after being introduced to the works of Ayn Rand by her then-boyfriend.[9] She has said of Rand, “I’ve read all of her books. Ever since then, I have been obsessed with her ideals. All I’ve ever needed is myself.”

I told you, Johnny, you can’t trust anyone who travels with teacup poodles.

It is my dream in life to achieve the zen of the guy filming it.

Maybe for you. For some of us, these are profound losses. You might consider showing some respect and stop trying to measure grief. You’re just sounding like an asshole now and I’m pretty sure that’s not what you intended in this thread.