Now this is funny.
Now this is funny.
Actual jokes are funny. Will Ferrell is funny. You, asshole, are not funny.
Ha, ha, ha, oh yeah that's such a truth bomb because agency guys all wear earrings because they're all liberal effeminate homosexual soulless idiots because advertising amirite?
Tangential, I know, but the typography on that sign in the stock photo is totally rad.
So by the logic of your original post, not having a cherry on top of our cake is reason enough for us atheists to kill ourselves? I mean, come on - many sincere, intelligent people have tried to help you understand why your comment was so insensitive and insulting, but you just keep coming back with a closed mind.…
I'm sad for you that require an abstract idea like god, or an afterlife to give your life meaning. I find joy and peace and grace in all the things that are real and here with us - love, loved ones, family, kindness, the earth, the sky, suffering, work, learning, the mysteries of the undiscovered universe. I could go…
I am an Oregonian and I agree with your assessment of our drivers 100%. Except me, of course.
Reitman has a totally legit point that the script is being totally overlooked. It really was something of an astonishing achievement in stretching and holding narrative credibility on a razor thin line while introducing new ideas into our collective consciousness.
I don't know if it's plot was good science or not, but the ending of Melancholia was emotionally devastating. Same thing with Another Earth. And make fun of the science in Perfect Sense all you want, but as a metaphor for relationships, it totally worked. Also, Eva Green.
Nice deflection. I happen to think they direct heavy-handed misfires, too. But somehow I'm able to separate their personal choices from that issue. Ironic you would accuse me of an ad hominem since you seem unable to criticize their filmmaking without making a nasty little innuendo about their self-identity.
Was the elipses preceding "siblings" really necessary? Is that supposed to be code for your disgust or disapproval? It's already been well established that they simply refer to themselves as the Wachowskis, which you could have easily chosen to do rather than hint at some eye roll about Lana. I was all ready to read…
Let me explain it more simply so you understand: 1) Behavior and orientation are two different things. Behavior is a choice. Orientation is not. Sometimes they align, sometimes they don't. 2) Pedophilia is not defined by a person's sexual orientation. Can you grasp those concepts that are based in fact? Or is that…
And this is the way I see it: you see a police officer writing you a ticket, you don't get in your car, you wait until he addresses you and you discuss the ticket. End of story.