Yeah, I guess I'm pretty cynical. I'm probably reading between the lines too much on the Dwayne Wade quote from today, too. Isn't post-racial America fun?
Yeah, I guess I'm pretty cynical. I'm probably reading between the lines too much on the Dwayne Wade quote from today, too. Isn't post-racial America fun?
Dazzle me, then. Show me how fucking smart you are. What did I get wrong? This is gonna be great. Go.
The sentence should end with "no provocation". Period. Draper wasn't giving context, he was making excuses for a guy he has a fanboy hard-on for. Look at the video again. No one can believe what the fuck just happened. Not the guy who got assaulted, not Whiteside's coach, none of his teammates. If this guy can't play…
Because the last sentence should have a period after the word provocation. Making excuses for the guy, no matter how subtle, is treating him like a child. I understand you're trying to score big points around here by making me racist. It's what people do around here now. I'm sorry I yelled at you. You're a good boy.
Actually heard it on an old episode of Law & Order. Asst. DA Ben Stone uses it to describe to Defense Attorney Shambala Green what she's doing to her people. So, did it stick with me? Yeah. Have I been "waiting to use it"? Nah. I do like how big words put you on the defensive, though. Very telling. Now get outta here,…
Did that shove look like the normal give-and-take between basketball players?
By treating their behavior as you would an infant's.
"with seemingly no provocation besides the usual amount of contact between big men that had been going on all game long."
I'd say!
Yelling at a 6'4"/250 dude? For $2.13/hr? That's an aggressive goddamn waitress! "I SAID I HOPE YOU SAVED ROOM FOR DESSERT!!"
" In the future, Patriots coach Bill Parcells offered this suggestion to keep the footballs toasty: "Maybe we can have a little football nest over there by the bench and you could come down and sit on it. Kind of like hatch one, you know. 'Time to punt? Here's a warm one."
Sbouldn't they be trying to build him up as much as possible before trying to get anything decent for him in a trade? I'm confused by these tactics. Am I stupid? I might be stupid.
Semen old.
Dear Little Bee,
fucking animals.
Channel your inner Joey Turner, Tony. Throw 7 picks, then stare at Jerry like this: