
Coming in late but a couple of thoughts:


Roger Corman is a national treasure, and that isn’t just the hardcore MSTie in me talking here. He is prolific and, more often than not, literally made something out of nothing.

I’ll have to look into that, thanks for the heads up

Ade Edmondson in Episode 8?!

That’s true about the over arching themes, they seem pretty classic.

It just hit me, why aren’t they animating titles like Preacher and Transmet? The Venture Brothers and Archer are proof that it’s possible and profitable.

As sad as it makes me, and as much as I would LOVE to see it, a Transmet adaptation would be as tricky as the Preacher one.

That’s my main concern, will it age well? I have nothing but fond memories of the original run, probably my favorite title in its day. That was 20 years ago, the comics are in a long box in a spare bedroom closet. I’m torn between risking dragging them out and sharing them with my wife and letting them lie in their

You heard it here first folks, Ian McShane confirmed for Episode 8!

What the? Was that a banana? What is hat from?

To be fair, it works out pretty well sometimes

My guess is that Indy goes in search or saves the Fountain of Youth from some sort threat, ends up falling in at the end and emerges as a young man. Instant recast and the franchise continues indefinitely.

Find the first collected issue graphic novel and decide from there.

I’m sorry for your loss, I haven’t had to go through it yet but live in the weird state of constant apprehension / anticipation of one of our three cats passing now that they’re older. One of them seems to randomly forget that litter boxes are a thing and I feel like a low life when I secretly hope that she’ll be dead

All the upvotes to you, sir.

I can’t stand this show. I did give it a chance in the beginning though and have caught bits and pieces randomly.

“Casterfo” seems pretty derivative of “Castro” as well

I came her just to make sure they were included. The world made sense three minutes ago.

Season 6 premiered last night and not a peep?