
Annnndddddd, just answered my own query after making the clip full screen, there is electrified chicken wire on the box as well.

Although, in the comics, didn’t he have the ability to return to any place he saw and remembered clearly? Or was that Blink I’m thinking of?
Although, the electrified chain link is making me suspect that I’ll have to leave my comic fandom at home :(

I am hurt because I can only recommend this post once. Pure Awesome.

Or in a box for that matter, but the fact remains: you have won the internet today!

Worst kept secret or not, it was still a very good episode, imo. I thought it was tense right until the last second even though I had his return spoiled for me that morning when I fired up the Google App on my phone.

That’s going to be hard to pin down, with what I am assuming is a fairly vague ingredient list (the term “Artificial flavors” springs to mind). And the fact that I only vaguely remember what it tasted like, other than that I really liked it.

I’m still making my way through the books, so feel free to flame me, but I never really felt like the HBO series was wanting for characters...

Still doesn’t explain why R2 doesn’t tell Luke to lay off of his sister!

Well played

Can fire hurt a dragon though? Does the fact that he burned himself with the lantern discredit the ‘John Targaryan’ hypothesis?

Agreed. As much as I relished Joffrey’s death scene, I really missed being able to hate him afterwards.

That is, hands down, my favorite Tim Burton and / or Johnny Depp movie.

Unless I’m remembering incorrectly, wasn’t it just 3PO that had his memory wiped? Didn’t R2 avoid it somehow?

Huh, I see I’m not the only person out there that didn’t like the first one after all. That’s a nice feeling, I get a lot of funny looks when it comes up.

I just noticed that the Vision is missing the (Mind?) stone from his forehead. I thought that was a part of him now?

I really like that take and it would explain that gaping plot hole pretty neatly but R2's speech is fed through a translator onboard Luke’s X-Wing on the way to Dagobah in ESB. So there was at least one time that Luke could (likely) understand R2 verbatim, surely he would have taken that opportunity to vent?

Truth, he loomed over the thugs in the Jack Reacher trailer that I bothered to sit through, I had no idea he wasn’t the same height.

You aren’t crazy, I swear I heard it as well. I just thought I imagined / misheard it, this calls for another viewing!