
By all means, show away. I am dying to see how you are being unfairly persecuted here.

So perpetuating this intolerance and leaving some disabled woman on the side of the road stranded somehow makes things better in your mind? Are you daft?

But that didn’t happen, did it? We’re talking about a Trump supporter denying a Bernie supporter help. Could the same happen if it was the reverse? Certainly. Would most Trump supporters do the same that this guy did? Likely not, because they’re probably not assholes. But trying to justify this because the possibility

It’s going to be very, very, big. Huge even. The biggest one. And you’ll love it and Florida will pay for it.

Still have kinda high hopes for this Nightcrawler. I’m a fan, you see.

If only that fence had some kind of holes that he could use to see through to the other side.

Oh! I see you’re trying to insult me with my username.

All that secrecy and they forgot there would be people around with fucking cameras!

You’re not allowed to talk to your roommate anymore, or the landlord because you yelled at him?

Counter-point: I don’t know that this movie deliberately avoided references to the prequels so much as it didn’t need them.

Good. Because Yoda was my favorite character and then I watched the prequels.

I was just going to say this... why not just start by buying a non-shitty router? Ever since I started buying quality units (that don’t cost $30) I have had ZERO issues with them - any time the internet flaked out, it was an ISP issue.

I hope, for both fans of the drink and Coca-Cola’s sake, that they haven’t changed the recipe.

The Head of the Kingsguard, Dayne and another brother vs Ned Stark, Howland Reed, Jory’s father and 3 others if memory serves. I want to see how Ned killed Arthur Dayne. Hope they do not skimp on this fight scene. I want it to go for 10 to 15 minutes.

Especially if, after killing the only person fit to lead you, when he comes back to life he says, “well then fuck you guys I’m going to be King in the North!”