
I’m ok with this. Let Disney focus on the movies, build on the universe, and eventually come back to it.

I’m more of the opinion that Star Wars straddles the line between Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

Nothing against Trek, I like the original series and Next Gen, it just never swept me away like Star Wars. I’d wager I would be singing a different tune if I was a little over ten years older and grew up with Trek on TV.

That’s a fair point and spot on but I’m personally not looking for a whole lot of reality in my Sci-Fi.

Show of hands, who out there will be joining me in spending the next week mainlining the first five seasons?

Well said!

The interiors shots of that house REALLY remind me of ‘The Old House’ on the original Dark Shadows series as well.

What better way to welcome The Venture Brothers back than a historic cluster**** of a storm?

Truth! I’m still baffled by their presence, seems like a waste for them to show up and be eaten.

Beat me to it, a true classic and one of my personal favorites!

I absolutely LOVE the amount of MST3K content on the site and in the comments lately! Must have something to do with production of new episodes!

I really felt that it wasn’t Rey’s first time on the Falcon, and assumed that her intimate knowledge came from Plutt having her attempt to maintain / repair it. She knew way too much about the modifications, who made them, and that it was “junk” for it to happen any other way, imho.

Isn’t using movies to set up others in the series an established Disney / Marvel technique by now as well?

What great news! I couldn’t be happier to hear this! I actually got to meet Mr. Lewis at a Chiller convention last autumn, what an incredibly nice and genuine person! He was humbled when my Uncle asked him to sign his original betamax copies of 2,000 Maniacs and Wizard of Gore, he said something to the effect of:

Not especially harsh’s very possible he didn’t like it but even so, saying it’s in the spirit of Star Wars isn’t a burn. I actually feel that’s a big compliment as it moves us further away from the prequels.

Neat, the pilot gets his own personal TARDIS.

This may be the best thing airing right now, can’t wait to see this newest offering!

True, Rey saw as much and called him on it when he was attempting to interrogate her.

Well put, I wish that as well.