
Just wanted to say it fucking blows that Barry got fired yesterday. There are relatively few constants left in life, but Barry writing the first article of the day for Deadspin was one of them. I’ve been coming to Deadspin regularly for about 10 years now. I love this place. So many laughs, so many great reads. The

Not sure there’s gonna be a better place to post this, so here we go:

Waited until the final second, then nailed the 55 yarder. Well played.

We may not all be as eloquent as Will at the end there, but I think it’s safe to say we all feel the same way.

Drew, is it true that neither Jim Spanfeller nor Paul Maidment ever had friends, a girlfriend, made any sports team, or has seen The Godfather? Is it also true that Jim smells like sweaty hobo taint and Paul smells like a urinal puck?

A question for the Funbag: why should I keep reading anything on this website after Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment went to the lengths of firing Barry, like cowards, for the dumbest of reasons?

I want to support the writers here—this is both the best website that exists, and has ever existed, and the best sports

Drew. you have given me more entertaining, witty, and poignant CONTENT than any other writer i’ve followed in my life. thank you, and thank your colleagues for their tremendous work over the years.

Man, I love people who self-own through being hilariously inept. You know, pumpkin thieves, thin-skinned vulture capitalist owners of blog sites, those kinds of folks.

Nice. A minor suggested adjustment from someone who spends about eleven hours a day thinking about alliteration:

I’m starting to think Victor Krum was probably a racist.

You can’t turn down a player with that much SWAG.

I mean, rough start for Strasburg though. (By the standards of this series) he got absolutely rocked. Dude didn’t even carry a no-hitter into the MIDDLE innings. 

My dudes, you have killed Splinter, you laid off a bunch of cool journalists, I have even stuck with you through your auto-play video ads that kill my YouTube video playing in the background, but if you don’t stop these ads that auto-forward my ipad to some “install flash player now!” website with no back button so I

It was a private account, and she’d only granted access to people she considered trustworthy friends. This would be like someone sharing information from a group chat among friends and family, and then you coming along and saying “wELl tHeN yOu sHoUlDn’T hAvE cONveRsAtiOnS wITh pEoPlE yOu tRuSt!!”

Eh, posting things to a locked, private social media account restricted to trusted friends and family is not meaningfully different from sending an email to a private mailing list, or just talking to a group of close associates around a dinner table. It’s fine to expect those people to keep what they hear private, and