
The Wonder Twins comic that came out last year—pictured in the header—is really fun. It’s more comedic, sure, but in a way that jibes with the main continuity. The twins feel like actual teenagers, and their personalities really shine. (Jayna being the more responsible. Zan being more braggadocios.)

It’s not just Drake’s friendships and mentorships that fall flat. Uncharted sure sounds like the epitome of Blood Knife’s seminal “everyone is beautiful and no one is horny” essay, which lamented how much effort these days goes into ensuring A-listers propagate unrealistic beauty standards all while romance and

I want so badly to play this game in the PS5 splendor it was meant to be played, but I know it will be a while.

As someone who was a sophomore in 2006, was I experiencing something akin to war flashbacks? Yes. The aeropostale, the Razr cell phones, and the...overall vibe. Damn.

This show is fucking amazing. I can’t predict what’s going to happen next, and that makes me so happy. 

All we have is the meta knowledge that Disney+ doesn’t want a cutthroat, Michael Mann-style crime thriller, and therefore Fett has to be at least reasonably family-friendly.

Season 1 had, IMO, one of the most harrowing and best takes on the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic of anything else that I’ve seen. I feel like people are going to turn to that episode in the future to get a picture of what March/April 2020 were really like. Season 2, as much as I enjoyed it, was never going to

I’m waiting for the Bang energy drink CEO to make his evil plan known.

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.

My initial read is that it comes from a place of poor sportsmanship.

It’s one of the ugliest games that I’ve played in a while, punctuated by occasional moments of beauty. The art direction of the world is pretty soulless, the textures are rubbish, and the pop-ins aren’t done artfully. Outside of certain towns, the game’s open world doesn’t have its own identity. Nothing to mark it as

I’m still thinking it might be a cabal of pastors hoping to wrest G.O.D. control from the Gemstones. The Cycle Ninjas likely killed the journalist because the first episode pastors didn’t want to be targeted, and now they’re targeting Eli, who’s arguably the strongest “name” of the bunch, in order to ensure they don’t

Yup. It ruled.

The Duolingo social media person would absolutely do this. Their TikTok account is wild.

Sorry, did you say “What Else Can I Do?”

This song rules. 

true empaths

Jesus, does becoming management in any capacity automatically make you awful? 

Heroic is usually a cake-walk for me with the other Halo games. But this one was brutal, man. Can’t imagine doing a Legendary run, even though I’ve dipped a few hours into Legendary runs on other games. The boss fights were frustrating—in an oddly satisfying way—and they finally made the Elites as scary as they felt

The Uncharted games are silly and their problems are many, and yet...and yet, I love them. They’re some of gaming’s finest adventure games. Just hours and hours of “whoa! fun!” and explosions, and...I kind of want to replay them.