
I…yeah, I completely agree. 

Billie Eilish has star power. I liked her musical performances a lot, but I was most impressed by how she held up during the sketches. Sometimes did better than the actual cast. Good episode! Felt like it went by quickly, which I think is a good thing.

It settles you into the “reality” of the world. Dropping you into “open world, do whatever” wouldn’t work, IMO.

You’re entitled to your opinion, but I politely and firmly disagree. The first two hours of the game were a fantastic refresher and had some sequences on par with some of the best of the OG Halo trilogy. That being said: maybe I’m weird because I sometimes want on-the-rails/linear spectacle. I don’t need every game to

Heroic’s pretty much standard stuff. It’s not that bad then it gets a little annoying and then you get the rhythm and then you move on. It’s fun.

I am feeling the strain on Heroic against some boss fights, but I’m also loving how I don’t feel like Captain America all the time. It makes the moments when I do feel like Captain America that much sweeter. 

Unfortunately for all the aspiring video game jugglers out there, however, Quick Resume has hardly lived up to the pre-release hype.

Yes, to all of this, but holy hell, I genuinely despise Roman this season. Always fun to watch but heeee sucks. I’m so glad he took an L last episode. It was overdue. 

I agree with him about how, for Ken, this show’s not a comedy, and I think if he changed anything about how he approached the role it would make it worse.

Give us one more season, Peacock. Let us see them take the exam, and give us more Lynette. That’s all. Just one more hit. 

Christ, that is ghoulish.

God damn, I love her so much. 

Ohh, that’s why!!

Peterson sucks. 

Kendall going from the biggest fucking douchebag in the world to the way his face broke once he learned that his kids’ present to him might have gotten lost? Pitch perfect tragedy. 

Yeah, I’m at Clint at the LARP, and this show friggin’ rules.

Wild. I played a bit of it during the last open beta, and I thought it was fun. Didn’t have any issues with it other than the usual Battlefield whackiness. What happened?

I thought it’s…I mean, it’s an Elseworld’s story. What more are we looking for here in this specific story? And it already changed a pretty big thing early on. I’m giving it a few more issues before deciding it’s a wash. Taylor’s earned enough goodwill for that.

Speaking of, the latest Black Cat book that Marvel’s run is the best Catwoman book in ages. It’s all heists, all the time. It rules.

I liked Shang-Chi.