Also it’s worth mentioning Kang’s real name is Nathanial Richards and he’s a descendant of Reed Richards.
Also it’s worth mentioning Kang’s real name is Nathanial Richards and he’s a descendant of Reed Richards.
Jonathan Majors, goddamn. What a talent. He came in and chewed the scenery like it was an apple, and he made it mad entertaining. I had a big ol’ hunch we’d be getting Kang—or a Kang, at least—and I sort of figured he’d be a little bratty, but you can’t account for Majors’ charm, man. You absolutely believe this man…
Nah, they’re not the same person. The show’s been adamant about making it known that they’re not the same person. They’re “a Loki.” So I’m taking it as: somebody has to be a Loki in each universe, this is them. Not necessarily the same but like, someone filling a role. And even if they were the same person, it ain’t…
Oh, shoot, yeah. Makes sense. (Latest episode is the best they’ve ever done.)
Somebody nominate Evil for something. That show rules. Best special effects makeup this side of Guillermo del Toro movies.
Okay, were I Connor B. then I’d be very annoyed that Blake was given a pass by producers to go sweep Katie off her feet after she broke my heart. What an absolute dig. “You’re going home because we’re not passionate. I am sad about it for two seconds—then this lumberjack will come and sweep me off my feet.” It’s her…
The producers failed this segment. They didn’t really try to get the men to join in. I think they should’ve been required to add some sort of performance on top of their reading.
Karen Gillan is cool. This looks cool.
It’s very good.
Thank the Devil. This show’s second season is fantastic, and it’s got some of the best demon/monster character designs this side of Guillermo del Toro.
What? She’s absolutely a spy. That’s her entire thing. She showed up in Iron Man 2...spying on Tony Stark for S.H.I.E.L.D., an espionage agency (while seemingly also being the World Police.) Is she only a spy? I guess not anymore, but her whole skill-set can be summed up as “super spy.”
On the one hand, I find Tom Hiddleston and Loki extremely charming, and I am invested in the idea that the only romantic interest Loki could ever have is with—essentially—himself. Plus, Sylvie’s cool. So hopefully they’re able to hang out again.
You want to get into a political discussion I’m not willing to because the specific beliefs don’t matter as much as the right to have them.
If I could reach into the internet, I would fistfight the digital representation of Kinja. I remember back when Denton first announced it. What a clusterfuck that was. How has it only gotten worse with each passing year? I can’t even comment on mobile anymore, or see any replies to comments. (Which is fine, I ought to…
I’ve extolled the virtues of GamePass for a couple of years now. It’s kept me sated between the bigger video game releases with indies and older games that maybe I hadn’t played before, and it’s only getting better. But have I been paid? No! Bullshit!
It’s the Joe Rogan Show for Instagram feminists? I mean, good luck to Demi Lovato, I guess.
Look, the fact that they haven’t made “The X-Files but with Renee and Vic and they’re investigating far-reaching criminal and mystical conspiracies” as a TV show or comic book miniseries helmed by Greg Rucka is, frankly, criminal. Like, put it in the Bible of Crime criminal. They’re best friends, damn it, and you keep…
I don’t want that, but I did hope they’d lean harder into the spy genre than they apparently did. That’s like, her whole thing.