Yeah, this is the vibe that I was getting from every trailer that I’ve seen so far. It feels like they didn’t want to make a straight up spy thriller, alas.
Yeah, this is the vibe that I was getting from every trailer that I’ve seen so far. It feels like they didn’t want to make a straight up spy thriller, alas.
Oh, Katja Herbers does improv, too? Swoon. Delightful interview.
Been a fan of Katja Herbers since she popped up on Westworld a couple of years ago. Thought she was captivating and did a bang-up job opposite Ed Harris. You could believe she was his kid. Then I followed her on Evil—which rules, it’s so weird—and she rocks on that, too. She has that steely demeanor that makes you…
I’d somehow completely disassociated the very good Flags of Our Fathers and the superior Letters from Iwo Jima from Eastwood’s repertoire.
I wasn’t sure what to think about it before it premiered. It seemed like it would be y’know, just another workplace comedy, but it’s that and much more. I will lose my shit if I don’t get more Poppy Li back in my life, damn it.
I adore the Poppy and Ian and Brad and Jo dynamic that the season finale set up. Beautiful and wholly in character reconciliation. I saw the ending for Poppy and Ian coming, sort of, but it was seeded so well throughout the season that it felt cathartic to see them sitting at that table together. I love their…
It’s also led to lucrative opportunities for the people who got famous off ripping off someone else’s hard work.
Gamma Mutates deserve their due in the MCU! Gamma Mutates deserve their due in the MCU!
or these guys
anyway, maybe just listen to Gangstagrass instead?
Yeaaaaah, I figured as much, but ~~~da movies.~~~
I downloaded it on GamePass last night. Excited to have a D&D experience after my own game got canceled due to all my players leaving. It’s on hold for the foreseeable future, alas.
*obligatory ohnice.gif*
them apparently taking Grace out of the picture in the s3 finale maybe is an indication they finally were planning to do that, but they took too long obviously
It’s interesting to me how many talented actors absolutely hate seeing themselves on screen. I mean, I get it. I would be mortified in their shoes.
Ben sans family (Ben in season one and two, before he was a raging zealot) is an interesting character. He’s the action professor. Him and Saanvi investigating stuff? Love it. Great. Good. Should’ve kept that, and followed their chemistry.
She had been rooting for the FBI to catch Tony and his fellow mobsters in the second season.
As someone who felt a strange pull toward this show for two seasons before watching it dive off a cliff and into the Bible, I will say this: I’ll miss Saanvi and Ben and only Saanvi and Ben.