Jeb Bush: Please clap.
Jeb Bush: Please clap.
Yeah, JEEB!
“To give you some perspective about what we can do with it. If you were a bumblebee at a distance of the moon, we will be able to see you, both by your reflective sunlight and by thermal radiation and heat you emitted.”- John Mather, Noble Prize Winner and Senior Project Scientist for the JWST
The Guardian’s marsupial gun-nut
I always think this on death penalty articles and I think it’s applicable here. Limits on the ways that we punish “bad” guys are not for the sake of the bad guys. They are for the sake of the people doling out the punishment.
The code of hammurabi had a bit about builders being put to death if one of their buildings collapsed and killed someone and a bit about boat builders having to redo shoddy workmanship. The GOP would never stand for that kind of job killing regulation.
Capes are back in fashion, just
Glad to see Ultron and Sigma brought into this (Sigmon!). Still, I’m waiting on any of the X-characters to show up...
Pretty sure that when the Roanoke colony vanished, all that was found were some graves and the word “Crotilla” carved into a tree.
It’s going to be
Texas Senator Ted Cruz was troubled by the Rockets’ display, saying that “Publicly mocking a man for cinder blocking his free heaves at the ball hole isn’t our way. I hope the Rockers learn from this.”
Oh Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, I do declare! That one sure was a knee-slapper! Suh, you are the livin’ end, I say, the vereh limit!
But this is their last gasp, one final roar of evil before we finally push them back forever.
Don’t get complacent, this is the era of “let’s give incredibly fucking stupid ideas a whirl”.
Were these introduced as evidence?
He’s Cotton Hill, with valium and shins.
Where does he think he lives? Some kind of dream land?
Wouldn’t it make sense that any civilization trying to communicate with “us” would have to be well within 100 light years of here, to even have a chance of knowing we exist? (Unless they’re so intelligent to somehow get around that, which would beg why they aren’t just here...) Or is this just assuming they’ve got the…
actually... i bet he’s kicking himself for a missed opportunity... he coulda done his nuke test last weekend and trump would have sunk jakarta in retaliation
Just curious. Does Putin tweet? Like for real tweet?