
Everyone I know has a big but. Come on, Simone. Tell me about your big but.

Milly? Is that you?

Haven't checked that out yet. It goes on the list, thank you!

Another beautiful, mellow, romantic jazz record- Ben Webster And Associates.

Yo La Tengo's 'And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out.' Bonnie Prince Billy's 'Master And Everyone' has served me well. Such a great mood record. Other than that, late 90's trip-hop is pretty sexy. Hooverphonic's 'A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular,' Morcheeba's 'Big Calm,' the first Tricky.
Edit: Luna-

Pretty sure that was congenital.

11 hours and no one has requested that you not call them Shirley?
For SHAME, AV Club. For shame.

Agreed. After reading the early reviews, I decided I 1) had to watch this, and 2) had to put my money where my mouth is. Bought the season on Amazon Prime. This show is just cerebral enough that I worry for its future. So PAY UP people! I am currently nagging the shit out of friends, family and coworkers to pay

That's what I thought, but I'm pretty sure I recall one of the characters (Melanie?) pronouncing the 'P.' Which bothered me.

I also disagreed with those choices. Unsurprisingly, I disagreed with Ignatiy too. It's not their strongest batch of songs, but I prefer Write About Love and Girls In Peacetime as albums over most of Belle & Sebastian's mid-period (Dear Catastrophe Waitress, Fold Your Hands….) stuff. Song for song, the former have a

I saw Scream open for My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult at a little club in Chicago a looooong time ago (TKK had just released their 1st LP). Scream (was it Dave? who cares?) spent their set mocking TKK's use of synths and drum machines, 'fake music,' blah blah blah. And then TKK came out and killed. My point- 80's

It was Because Of The Times, and I actually really liked that one. There was nothing on it as obviously catchy as anything from the 1st two, but they seemed to be branching out, trying new things. Knocked Up, Black Thumbnail, Camaro… I was excited to see where they'd go next. Only By The Night was such an obvious

I think Reveal is a good album trapped under five or six layers of overproduction. It sounds as if the band (or Pat McCarthy) weren't confident about the song quality and just kept adding instruments and effects until it all turned to mush. Which is odd, because I love McCarthy's production on Up. Also, people,

Experience would say no.

Upvoted while listening to the first Big Audio Dynamite album.

You are clearly wild. Wild and crazy.

Thumbs up just for the love of JLI. So much love.

Pretty sure that's just joy.

When two turds touch, it's… gosh, it's something special.
