I am similarly reminded of a different quote. When Kenneth Lay, evil overlord of Enron, died, Henry Rollins quipped: “Good. Stay dead, motherfucker.”
I am similarly reminded of a different quote. When Kenneth Lay, evil overlord of Enron, died, Henry Rollins quipped: “Good. Stay dead, motherfucker.”
He was dogshit, spoke dogshit, and made money off dogshit people. He repeatedly made fun of everyone not fat, white, and him. He routinely vocalized hate of everyone from Dems to Drug Users - until it was actually him and suddenly he wanted to be loved for ‘suffering from an affliction’ - that affliction being jamming…
I’m glad to hear lung cancer has won its battle with Rush Limbaugh.
More uproarious still is the segment cut out of Amazon Women on the Moon (because John Landis didn’t think it was funny) in which ventriloquist Dick Miller, returning from a European convention, finds there’s been a luggage mix-up and he’s got the wrong dummy - one that only speaks French. It’s a great premise…
Episode 1: “The Great Good Place” | Episode 2: “The Pupil” | Episode 3: “The Two Faces, Part One” | Episode 4: “The…
“Don’t antagonize him, or he’ll just hit you harder.”
I’ve been a Springsteen fanatic for 40 years now, but this lyric from “The Wrestler” is so stupid it ruins the entire song for me:
I think it boils down to Mike still pining for Eleven. Makes sense, I suppose, that a little kid might see another girl in their group as a betrayal to Eleven’s memory and the hope that she’s still around somewhere.
A Scanner Darkly is one of the best movies of its’ decade and I will fight anyone that thinks differently with my fists and teeth.
Personally, I think Lost in the Dream is maybe the most overrated album of the decade, but I do like Slave Ambient and Wagonwheel Blues. So, I’m torn. I’ll probably listen to this, but eh. Not as jazzed about it.