
Or the same thing.

I should probably go back and listen to their earlier records as I have a tendency to write stuff off too quickly if I'm not in exactly the right mood to hear it, but Human Performance was the first record of theirs I felt compelled to buy. My reaction to their earlier work was pretty much, 'Eh, if I wanted to hear

In high school, I had home room with a transfer student from West Germany (yes, it was that long ago- shut up, move along, nothing to see here) named Patrick. One day we went to a Homecoming rally in the gym. In the middle of it, Patrick turns to me and says (somewhat condescendingly), "In Germany, we have no such

Like, all of them?

Time to nitpick! But it's a decent-sized one: 'Just Enough Hip To Be Woman,' not 'Just Hip Enough…'

This one's easy. When I saw True Romance and the note Alabama writes Clarence during the drug deal, 'You're so cool!,' I immediately thought, 'I better hear Jesus and Mary Chain's 'I Can't Get Enough' during the end credits, or someone didn't do their job.' I didn't.
Come on.
The chorus is, 'Honey, you're so cool/

I don't think you hate to say it. He is funny. His secondary punchlines are repetitive and predictable, but the first ones usually land.

Isn't that what Don DeLillo is for?

Thumbs up. I hated this song so much as a kid. It seems so condescending. 'You really think you're hot shit, don't you Billy?'

So very, very wrong.

'You Will Miss Me When I Burn' is the sound of profound loneliness. One of my favorite songs period. 'When you have no one/ No one can hurt you.' I was pretty damn lonely when I found it, and this song brings me right back there.

'Unsatisfied' was the song that sealed the deal for me. The desperation in his voice.

And I just read this post after asking about 'The Pacific.' So thank you. He turned a potential sociopath into a character (maybe the only one I gave a shit about) I wanted to follow.

Is he the same guy who played Snafu in 'The Pacific?' Because bug eyes.

Here's the thing: nobody thinks they're actually risking their lives. We're invulnerable! Read 'Into Thin Air' for confirmation.

Couple friends of mine (in good health) hiked Kilimanjaro a few years ago and the altitude was what almost killed them. As someone who's done a lot of hiking but no serious mountain climbing, I know that very small things that go wrong can bite you in the ass later.

Upvoted in general, but specifically for Jen Kirkman. Pure, unadulterated love.

But you SHOULD be proud. You should be.

Love this show. My only moment of (mild) disappointment came when I misread Stephen Merchant as Stephen Malkmus. And I love Stephen Merchant, so as I said, (mild). Something about Lincoln as hyper-literate, detached slacker thrilled me.

It's a chicken thing. You'll never understand.