
You've got to.

They also insisted that we must know our chicken.

Haven't seen it yet, I'll check it out.

That and the alley fight in They Live (for length and sheer ridiculousness) are my two favorites.

Belle and Sebastian, 'The Life Pursuit.'

I agree they had a lot of influence, but saying they created Southern rock is like saying Madonna invented dance music, or Nine Inch Nails invented industrial. Both did a great deal to popularize a genre, neither had the slightest claim to invention.

Was it evol?

Will do, thanks.

I think you're right.

Putting together a playlist of all the records people are advocating. Any specific one I should start with? For Gillian and Sea And Cake?

Adding it to my work playlist this week.

It's not a bad song at all, but for me it's not at the level of the rest of the record. Especially when you look at all the material they left off. That demo of 'Satellite Of Love' on the box set makes me wish they'd thrown that (or 'Foggy Notion' or 'I Can't Stand It') on instead.

The third is my favorite too, but yeah, 'Murder Mystery' doesn't really belong. I feel like a bit of an old fart for saying this, especially because 'WL/WH' was my first VU record and I love that it's raw, but both 'I Heard Her Call My Name' and 'Sister Ray' can be tough listens. I have to be in a very specific mood

Agreed. Tattoo You is definitely worth owning as are the rest you mentioned. They just set the bar ridiculously high with that '68-'72 run.

Like what I've heard of Gillian Welch, but I'm not super familiar with her albums. Will check them out. You are not the first person to suggest I re-evaluate The Sea And Cake, so I'll take it as a sign I should do just that.

One of my all-time favorite bands, and they put out four great albums that were all wildly different, so bonus points there. Don't know that I would include them in the 'four perfect albums' category because 1) 'White Light/White Heat,' while awesome, is damn near unlistenable in spots, and 2) 'Loaded' has the filler

A thousand times no. But upvoted for chutzpah.

Yeah, I feel a bit guilty bashing 'Disco Dancer.' It finishes well, but takes a while to get there.

And now I'm jealous. And I'd love to see her high school pic. Love her bits on the show too.

I like some Kraftwerk, but there's a definite dip in quality from 'Autobahn' to 'Radio-Activity.' I'm beginning to think I should attach a disclaimer to every comment I make here. 'Just my opinion,' etc.