From what I can gather, he is clowning a great many on this site.
This Adam Smith guy needs to read his own books! After all, he’s the one who said, “consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production.”
Some believe that “For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.” is the saddest story told in six words.
The major pro sports team that has won the most championships in Philly is still the Oakland A’s.
But, if a runner doesn’t log and share his run, is it really a run?
You know, I love to drink, and I like to cheer on my team with a decent buzz. I don’t understand how people can get so liquored up hours before the big game. What’s the point?
It’s like the guy at my work who wants to get Dilly Dilly going as an office thing... fuck off brand-bot-man.
Uhh...maybe don’t mention “home planet” to Leia.
Obviously the blue part here is the land.
+1:100 scale
This is how legends are made.
I guess two miracles in a week would have been too much to ask for.
Do you think he cares?
With how well the Sixers are doing and how many of their players just turned legal drinking age, maybe Furkan was just being sent on liquor runs?
Sorry, this comment took a wrong turn at Kansas City.
I don’t see Stanton leaving, especially since ownership is currently unable to afford a gift basket.
God owes us more than just that these days.
- The National Anthem before NFL games
Poppenham Popspurs.