
boo this man

I think that someone spending a full hour in a subway requires police investigation.

it’s unfortunate that Ruth only played against white players, but as far as competition level goes the fact they he only played against 10 teams compared to Bonds 30, evens out the talent pool. Then when you factor in the superior medical care and conditioning available to Bonds, and the fact that Ruth’s stats are

No one is just as good as Trout

and what was its purpose before? solving global conflict?

I really like his ideas, but I’d like this entire sentence clarified

Those numbers are inflated by one bad start. He’s a better pitcher than he is a hitter.

Yeah. Only in little league does the left fielder back someone up on a play like that, because little league is the only place where something like that should happen. And he took off sprinting as soon as the ball got passed the second baseman.

Jesus Christ. We’re not commenting on the outcome, we’re commenting on the process. Pull you head out of your ass.

“Yeah, but a quarter inch in the other direction you would’ve missed completely” is the wisest moment in movie history. So. Shut up!

I’m still not used to reading “The Eagles won the Super Bowl”. I’ll just be here smiling to myself.

To make it even more embarrassing this is the same Bow Wow that got his ass kicked in pretty much everything, including basketball, by the likes of CT and Johnny Bananas in The Challenge: Champs vs Stars. What no one else saw that? Just me? Ok, I’ll see my way out...

My theory is that underdogs are always the rooting default in team sports, because it’s all about seeing what a group of people can come together to achieve. But in individual sports always go for all-consuming brilliance. It’s more like holy shit look what that human is capable of.

I like how they unironically commented that the children were too young to know what they were doing — meanwhile throughout the country children our indoctrinated by tomi, jesse and brit’s religion — far too young to know what they are being taught — but they don’t seem to mind that.

that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. statues are celebratory in nature. there’s a huge difference between not forgetting the past and celebrating traitorous racist fuckholes.

statcast era

I present to you (from your own website) a 295 foot homerun just 2 weeks ago —

you do realize her time was being wasted regardless of whether or not she filmed it...

1. She *is* a queer black woman —why do you object to that phrasing?

haha he called the weed dope...