The Cranberry Cap'n

I’m done with the debate over this with friends. They’re going for Stein/Johnson... great. Let them do them. I voted for Bernie in the primarly but, hey... I talk about everything else with them but this election. But after all this is said and done and if by some fluke Trump wins and I see one post from them about

Fuck everyone who talks about the revolution. And especially fuck those who have the wealth and resources to protect themselves if necessary. I’ve always figured a revolution is like lots of riots strung together and wrapped up in a war. Revolution is not really where I want to go. Revolutions tend to be very hard on


Your wokest aunt Saran Sarandon, who once suggested Donald Trump might make a better president than Hillary Clinton because of the subsequent revolution...

Almost all of my Republican family members are agreeing to vote for McMullin. This is good news to me, because most of them would kill themselves before voting for Hillary. So, those are all votes that would have gone to Trump if they didn’t pull the lever for McMullin. It ain’t much, but I’m counting it as a win.

Minor or not so minor tidbit. bits. Tim bits or tim nuts later. 1. stop believing a third party candidate will ever, ever, be viable in the shit system that belongs to us and is ingrained in the fabric of this country. no. that ship has passed. Do you remember Ross perot ms Sarandon? You think stein is some kind of

He may have been closer to 4, or just turned 4. But yeah it’s a real drawing he really did (I saved it because... you don’t throw away your child’s first ‘Smiling Corpses’ picture). I swear I didn’t draw the picture myself for the story, although if I did that’d certainly be commitment

Same - I’ve wanted kids for a while as like, my main life goal. (Which was a sickening discovery to some of the other parts of my personality...) But then, as the first person in my group of friends to get pregnant everyone was like “really? okaaay....” And i was like “oh man. is it my resting bitchface?”

But that

I seriously do not feel brave . I want  people to respect my choice without there being a reason for it. like fuck off already.

Curse our new tolerant culture! I thought I could get away with being unmarried and child free as a gay man, but everyone is too open minded now.

Right? How many vehicles of any type are worth $17K with this many miles?

It would definitely be weird to come across the dogs in the forest article if you were one of the lady’s kids!

It’s more that they prefer the lack of oversight they would have under a Trump presidency.

Last night I asked my husband if I could please just get and stay drunk until the 9th. He said no. Something about our 8 year old homeschooler not being old enough to take care of herself yet, or something. I think he’s just being a spoilsport.

Definitely seems like a double standard if they won’t release the Russia/Trump stuff. I’m disturbed by the fact that the FBI seems to dislike Hillary so much that they’d rather Trump win.

Yeah, that’s definitely weird. There’s really no comparson.

Thanks. I feel my feeling are more accepted now that you spoke out. My mum refused to include my dog in the Christmas list and to be called grandma. I felt awfully rejected. And she doesn’t want him to be around in the kitchen, can you imagine that? Poor Bertie, he can’t eat at the table, cannot wander freely around

I used to think having a child and having a dog would be somewhat similar experiences. Now I have a child. They are in no way similar experiences and I was an idiot for ever thinking so.  

Those dogs scared the crap out of me!

I remember playing with the sound on mute so dogs crashing in through the windows won’t scare me.